Bash is a Primary Barbarian skill available at Level 1, which hits targeted enemies for extra damage and causes knockback.
The Barbarian smites his foes with such force that it sends them toppling backwards.
Skill Rune Effects
The following is a very quick summary. See the Bash rune effects page for a more thorough description of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.
<skill class="Barbarian">Bash</skill>
Skill Design

This notorious Combat skill makes a return in Diablo 3, having the same basic functions as it did in Diablo II. However, this new version is not identical, hitting for 200% weapon damage at rank 1, making the skill a powerful single-target ability that will presumably scale well at higher levels.
Even though Bash scales with weapon damage, the Barbarian chooses a more simple weapon when executing the skill... his bare fist. The Barbarian rears back, winding up for the punch, and delivers a devastating blow to the target. Spamming Bash has become difficult, due to the Fury cost and the relatively long cast time (~1s).
Since spamming Bash has become hindersome, it can be safely assumed that this skill will no longer cause "Bash-locks", where a player repeatedly spams Bash, causing the enemy to be unable to retaliate. However, the knockback effect of this skill might help the player in other ways, for example, to stop the Cultist from becoming a big-ass demon, forcing him to restart the ritual/incantation (assumed).
The following Barbarian passives provide a benefit to Bash, runed or not:
- Bloodthirst - The Barbarian gains life based on the amount of damage he deals always.
- Weapons Master - Provides a damage bonus when the Barbarian is wielding a sword or dagger.
- Berserker Rage - Inflicts additional damage while the Barbarian is at maximum Fury.
- Brawler - Increases the Barbarian's damage when he is swarmed.
Bash was first seen at BlizzCon 2008, where it could be found at Tier I on the Juggernaut Skill Tree. Back then, it didn't use knockback at all, it only made the Barbarian dash forward, and hit with full weapon damage.
By BlizzCon 2009, knockback had been added, but otherwise the skill was pretty much the same. Flux had the opportunity to try it:[1]
It works much as it did in D2, but the animation is so cool that it’s a blast to use. When using Bash, the Barbarian positively winds up, twisting his upper body and leaning completely over, away from the monster, before uncoiling and extended into the strike like he’s driving a railroad spike. It’s quite an, “OMG he knocked the sauce out of that dude!” visual, and better yet, sometimes when you kill a monster with this, you literally knock their skeleton out of their flesh, sending the fully-articulated, blood-stained bones sliding across the screen, shuffleboard style, a drenching trail of blood in their wake. I laughed like a school girl every time it worked.
Anyone would. For the BlizzCon 2010 demo, Bash was available for play, but was not one of the Barbarian's starting skills.
Skill tiers were removed for the July 2011 Press Event, allowing the skills to unlock steadily from levels 1 to 30. Consequently, all skill levels were adjusted and Bash became a level 1 skill.
The Diablo III Beta started in September 2011, and while it ran, all of the skills continued to undergo extensive iteration. Skill changes varied from changing the levels the skills are unlocked, to changes in resource cost, damage, and even function. A few skills were removed altogether, and a few new ones were added. Also, the entire skill system received an overhaul with the Beta Patch 13 update in February 2012, with physical runes replaced by rune effects that automatically unlock at various levels for the different skills.
Bash itself didn't change much during the beta, aside from some tweaks to damage output. With the Patch 13 changes, Bash was classified as a Primary skill (but stayed at level 1).
Previous Versions
See the Barbarian skill archive for more details on previous versions of Bash and other Barbarian skills.
In Other Games
This skill is an updated version of Diablo II's Barbarian skill Bash. That skill used knockback and was frequently used to "bash-lock" enemies in PvP.
Bash can be seen in action on video here:
You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
- BlizzCon 2009 Full Barbarian Skill Trees and Stats
- Zediono's translation of JudgeHype's pre-beta report — IncGamers 1st Aug 2011
- Silva's Barbarian Runestone Effects — IncGamers 6th Sep 2011
- Barbarian Active Skills — Blizzard's Official Diablo III Site
Classes of the Diablo games |
Skills - Active skills - Skill runes - Passives - Resource - Movement ability [e] Barbarian Demon Hunter Monk Necromancer Witch Doctor Wizard Followers Other Classes Fan-made |
The Barbarian | Fury - Barbarian Active Skills (Archive) | Barbarian Passive Skills (Archive) [e] | |||
Primary Might |
Secondary Tactics |
Defensive Rage |
Pound of Flesh (10) |
Superstition (30) |
(X) = the level at which the skill becomes unlocked. |
Barbarian skill categories: Primary Secondary Defensive Might Tactics Rage |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Hammer of the Ancients |
Rend |
Seismic Slam |
Whirlwind |
[e] |
Ground Stomp |
Leap |
Sprint |
Ignore Pain |
[e] |
Ancient Spear |
Revenge |
Furious Charge |
Overpower |
[e] |
Weapon Throw |
Threatening Shout |
Battle Rage |
War Cry |
[e] |
Earthquake |
Call of the Ancients |
Wrath of the Berserker |
[e] |
Demon Hunter skill categories: Primary Secondary Defensive Hunting Devices Archery |
Hungering Arrow |
Entangling Shot |
Bola Shot |
Grenades |
[e] |
Impale |
Rapid Fire |
Chakram |
Elemental Arrow |
[e] |
Caltrops |
Smoke Screen |
Shadow Power |
[e] |
Vault |
Preparation |
Companion |
Marked for Death |
[e] |
Evasive Fire |
Fan of Knives |
Spike Trap |
Sentry |
[e] |
Strafe |
Multishot |
Cluster Arrow |
Rain of Vengeance |
[e] |
Monk skill categories: Primary Secondary Defensive Techniques Focus Mantras |
Fists of Thunder |
Deadly Reach |
Crippling Wave |
Way of the Hundred Fists |
[e] |
Lashing Tail Kick |
Tempest Rush |
Wave of Light |
[e] |
Blinding Flash |
Breath of Heaven |
Serenity |
Inner Sanctuary |
[e] |
Dashing Strike |
Exploding Palm |
Sweeping Wind |
[e] |
Cyclone Strike |
Seven-Sided Strike |
Mystic Ally |
[e] |
Mantra of Evasion |
Mantra of Retribution |
Mantra of Healing |
Mantra of Conviction |
[e] |
Necromancer skill categories: Primary Secondary Corpses Blood and Bone Reanimation Curses |
Witch Doctor skill categories: Primary Secondary Defensive Terror Decay Voodoo |
Poison Dart - Rune effects |
Corpse Spiders |
Plague of Toads |
Firebomb |
[e] |
Grasp of the Dead |
Firebats |
Haunt |
Locust Swarm |
[e] |
Summon Zombie Dogs |
Horrify |
Spirit Walk |
Hex |
[e] |
Soul Harvest |
Sacrifice |
Mass Confusion |
[e] |
Zombie Charger |
Spirit Barrage |
Acid Cloud |
Wall of Zombies |
[e] |
Gargantuan |
Big Bad Voodoo |
Fetish Army |
[e] |
Wizard skill categories: Primary Secondary Defensive Force Conjuration Mastery |
Magic Missile |
Shock Pulse |
Spectral Blade |
Electrocute |
[e] |
Ray of Frost |
Arcane Orb |
Arcane Torrent |
Disintegrate |
[e] |
Frost Nova |
Diamond Skin |
Slow Time |
Teleport |
[e] |
Wave of Force |
Energy Twister |
Hydra |
Meteor |
Blizzard |
[e] |
Ice Armor |
Storm Armor |
Magic Weapon |
Familiar |
Energy Armor |
[e] |
Explosive Blast |
Mirror Image |
Archon |
[e] |
Followers | Kormac the Templar | Lyndon the Scoundrel | Eirena the Enchantress [e] | |||
Level 10: |
Level 5: Level 10: |
Level 15: |
Level 15: Level 20: |
Level 25: Level 30: |
Diablo III Other Classes | Diablo II Classes | Diablo I Classes [e] | ||||
Archetypes: |
Archetype sub-types: |
Other classes: |
Diablo II: |
Fan-made Classes | Fan-made Skills [e] | ||||
• Alchemist |
• Flagellant |
• Ranger |
Dragon Warrior Skills |
Aurian Mage Skill | |