Hungering Arrow

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Hungering Arrow is a Hatred Generating Demon Hunter skill unlocked at Level 1. It fires a guided arrow with bonus damage and a chance to pierce the target.


Hungering Arrow in action


Skill Effects

The following is a very quick list. See the Hungering Arrow rune effects page for a more thorough summary of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.

Icon Skill Description
IconHungeringArrow.png Hungering Arrow
Hatred Generator
(Level 1)


Generate: 3 Hatred

Fire a magically imbued arrow that seeks out targets for 85% weapon damage and has a 35% chance to pierce through targets.

Spray of Teeth


Successful crits cause a burst of bone to explode from the target dealing 240% of weapon damage to enemies in that area.

Cinder Arrow


Light the arrow on fire, dealing 160% additional weapon damage as Fire damage over 5 seconds.

Piercing Arrow


Increase the chance for the arrow to pierce to 95%.

Shatter Shot


If the arrow successfully pierces the first target, the arrow splits into 8 arrows.

Devouring Arrow


Each consecutive pierce increases the damage of the arrow by 140%.

Note: Information is based on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.

Skill Design

An arrow skill that does bonus damage and has a seeking property, much like the Amazon's Guided Arrow from Diablo II.

This skill was described by a pre-beta tester in August 2011:[1]

The first DH skill is a bolt that seeks out enemies and does 150% damage and has an X% chance (I think it was 30%) to pierce the target. The skill was a bit bugged and looked funny, because the animation didn’t change direction if the bolt went to a new mob. But it acted and felt just like guided arrow – but on crack.



Hungering Arrow was first seen at the July 2011 Press Event, where it was a level 1 skill.


Hungering Arrow can be seen in action on video here:

  • None yet.

You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
