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Retaliation is a rune effect in Mantra of Retribution, an Aura-type Monk skill.

This rune effect increases the amount of damage reflected, and works on all damage, not just melee.

  • Previously this skill name was assigned to a Barbarian skill. See that archived page for full details.

Skill Rune EffectsEdit

See the Mantra of Retribution rune effects page for thorough coverage of all the rune effects in this skill, including screenshots, movies, and strategy tips.

Name Level Description

<skill subcat="Mantras" class="Monk">Mantra of Retribution</skill> <skill class="Monk" rune="Retaliation">Mantra of Retribution</skill>


Screenshots and movies will be added post-release.


Prior to the February 2012 skill and rune system revision, this effect was granted by the Crimson Rune, which enabled the following effect.



Increase amount of damage reflected by the Mantra to 75%. The Mantra will now reflect ranged damage as well as melee damage.