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Sweep Attack

Sweep Attack is a secondary Crusader skill which strikes enemies with a mystical flail. The skill details could change or the skill removed prior to release of Reaper of Souls.

Skill Rune Effects

The following is a very quick summary. See the individual rune pages for a more thorough description of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.

Name Level Description
Icon-crusader-sweep-attack.jpg Sweep Attack *  ? Cost: 25 Wrath

Sweep a mystical flail in a wide arc through enemies 20 yards before you, dealing 230% weapon damage to all enemies caught in the arc.

Icon Magnetic Arc  ? Increase the range of the arc to 10 yards. All enemies caught in the arc are pulled toward you.
Icon Flogging  ? Enemies hit by the attack will also catch on fire for 50% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
Icon Holy Shock  ? Gain 5% of the damage dealt by the sweep as Life.
Icon Trip Attack  ? Enemies hit by the sweep attack have a 20% chance to be tripped, stunning them for 5 seconds.
Icon Not known  ?  ?