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Revision as of 14:24, 13 September 2011 by Brokenstorm (talk | contribs)

Caltrops is a Demon Hunter skill unlocked at level 1.



Diablo III Active Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Used by: Demon Hunter
Enabled at: Clvl 1
Skill Description
Resource Use: Costs ??
Skill Rune Effects
Alabaster rune: Unknown
Crimson rune: Unknown
Golden rune: Unknown
Indigo rune: Unknown
Obsidian rune: Unknown


Skill Effects

The following is a very quick list. See the Caltrops rune effects page for a more thorough summary of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.

Skill Effect
(Level 1)

Lay a trap of caltrops on the ground that activates when an enemy approaches. Once sprung, the caltrops slow the movement of enemies within 12 yards by 65%. This trap lasts 12 seconds.
Cost: 8 Discipline.

IconCrimson.jpg Jagged Spikes Enemies in the area also take 110% weapon damage per second.
IconIndigo.jpg Hooked Spines Increase the slow amount to 79%.
IconObsidian.jpg Torturous Ground Enemies in the area deal 90% less damage.
IconGolden.jpg Carved Stakes Reduce the cost to 4.5 Discipline.
IconAlabaster.jpg Bait the Trap Become empowered while standing in the area of effect, gaining an additional 11% chance to critical hit with all attacks.

Note: Information is based on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.

Skill Design



Skill Rune Effects

  • No rune effects for Caltrops are known.


Caltrops was first seen at the July 2011 Press Event, where it was a level 1 skill. Unfortunately, no information about the skill's function was available.


Caltrops can be seen in action on video here:

  • None yet.

You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
