Shadow Power

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Revision as of 15:26, 13 September 2011 by Brokenstorm (talk | contribs) (added Skill Effects)
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Shadow Power is a Demon Hunter skill unlocked at level 19.


Diablo III Active Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Shadow Power
Used by: Demon Hunter
Enabled at: Clvl 19
Skill Description
Resource Use: Costs ??
Skill Rune Effects
Alabaster rune: Unknown
Crimson rune: Unknown
Golden rune: Unknown
Indigo rune: Unknown
Obsidian rune: Unknown


Skill Effects

The following is a very quick list. See the Shadow Power rune effects page for a more thorough summary of rune effects, or any of the individual rune pages for numbers, screenshots, blue quotes, and much more.

Skill Effect
Shadow Power
(Level 19)

Draw in the power of the shadows, increasing attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
Cost: 20 Discipline.

IconCrimson.jpg Night Bane While active, gain 7 Hatred per second.
IconIndigo.jpg Shadow Glide While active, gain 55% movement speed.
IconObsidian.jpg Gloom While active, you have a 55% increased chance to dodge incoming attacks.
IconGolden.jpg Well of Darkness Reduces Discipline cost to 13.
IconAlabaster.jpg Blood Moon While active, gain 45% of all damage as Life.

Note: Information is based on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.

Skill Design



Skill Rune Effects

  • No rune effects for Shadow Power are known.


Shadow Power was first seen at the July 2011 Press Event, where it was a level 19 skill. Unfortunately, no information about the skill's function was available.


Shadow Power can be seen in action on video here:

  • None yet.

You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
