Below is a listing of all Legendary Affixes in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls, along with the item that the affix is tied to. New legendary items, plus new Affixes on old legs, are added in every content patch, so this list is ever expanding.
This is a useful reference for theorycrafting what you might use via the Kanai's Cube, which will be added to the game in Patch 2.3.0.
- Updated June 29, 2015 for Patch 2.2. Patch 2.3 changes pending while patch remains in testing on the PTR.
Amulets count as jewelry for the Kanai's Cube passive bonus.
Legendary Item | Affix Text | Notes |
When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 100% of maximum Life and resources. This item is destroyed in the process. |
Can not be used through [Kanai's Cube]]. | |
Prevent all Arcane damage taken and heal yourself for 20–25% of the amount prevented. |
Very powerful defensive property. Nullifies Arcane Enchanted, Jailer, and Wormhole. | |
Increases duration of Stun effects by 20–25%. |
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After earning a massacre bonus, 4-6 Skeletons are summoned to fight by your side for 10 seconds. |
Act One Horadric Cache only. | |
When you use Vengeance, Wrath of the Berserker, Archon, Big Bad Voodoo, Epiphany, or Akarat's Champion, you mesmerize nearby enemies with your skill, causing them to jump uncontrollably for 6–8 seconds. |
Affected enemies nearby leap up and down in place, rather than attacking. The effect is the same with all the different skills.
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Summons shadow clones to your aid when you Stun an enemy. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds. |
Clones count as pets, and are enhanced by buffs for pets. | |
Gain the Random Passive Skill. |
Gain the use of one extra Passive Skill while wearing the amulet. The skill is randomly-rolled from one passive of the class that crafts the amulet. | |
Picking up gold heals you for an amount equal to the gold that was picked up.. |
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Prevent all Poison damage taken and heal yourself for 10–15% of the amount prevented. |
Grants immunity to and healing from Poison damage, including Poison Enchanted and Plagued. | |
Hitting an enemy within 15 yards has a chance to ward you with shards of Arcane energy that explode when enemies get close, dealing 240–320% weapon damage as Arcane to enemies within 15 yards. |
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Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, the enemy takes 35% more damage. |
Charmed enemies fight with you, but can still be damaged by players. A popular amulet for Followers.
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Enemies you kill have a 3–4% additional chance to drop a health globe. |
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Prevent all Cold damage taken and heal yourself for 10–15% of the amount prevented. |
Immunity to all cold damage including Frozen and Frozen Pulse effects. | |
Chance on hit to pull in enemies toward your target and Slow them by 60–80%. |
Works like the Monk's Cyclone Strike skill. A popular amulet on Followers. | |
Prevent all Fire damage taken and heal yourself for 10–15% of the amount prevented. |
The rarest of all legendary amulets provides immunity to fire damage, including Molten, Mortar, and Desecrator effects. | |
Prevent all Lightning damage taken and heal yourself for 10–15% of the amount prevented. |
Immunity to lightning effects including Electrified, Orbiter, and Thunderstorm. | |
Legendary Amulets |
Eye of Etlich
Rondal's Locket |
These legendary amulets have no special legendary affixes, though they may gain them in future patches.
Set Amulets |
Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross |
These set amulets have no individual legendary affixes. |
Rings count as jewelry for the Kanai's Cube passive bonus.
Lightning pulses periodically between all wearers of this item, dealing 1000–1500% weapon damage. |
The weapon damage derives from the wearer(s) of the Arcstone, thus wearing this with your Follower does minimal damage.
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Each time you pick up gold, increase your Gold and Health Pickup radius by 1 yard for 10 seconds, stacking up to 30 times. |
Used for speed runs, ideally paired with Boon of the Hoarder. | |
This ring occasionally haunts nearby enemies. |
Haunt is the Witch Doctor skill. | |
Your Spirit Generators generate 40–50% more Spirit. |
Valid only for a Monk using Spirit generators.
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After 5 consecutive non-critical hits, your chance to critically hit is increased to 100% for 3 seconds. |
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You drain life from enemies around you. |
The life drain counts as an attack and can trigger other procs. | |
Gain 150–200% increased damage to a single element for 4 seconds. This effect rotates through the elements available to your class in alphabetical order: Arcane, Cold, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Physical, Poison. |
Up to 4x increase in total damage when the correct element is active.
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Increases the duration of Phalanx avatars by 200%. |
Boosts the duration of the attacking avatars created by the Crusader's Phalanx skill.
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Your Ice Armor now reduces damage from melee attacks by 50–60% and automatically casts Frost Nova whenever you take 10% of your Life in damage. |
Grants a powerful damage reduction and useful defensive property via the Frost Nova.
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D3v: Chance to launch an explosive ball of Hellfire when you attack. |
The main benefit from these rings is a 35% (D3v) and 45% (RoS) experience buff. That bonus is a secondary affix, not a legendary one though, and can not be accessed through Kanai's Cube.
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Taking Fire damage restores your primary resource. |
Provides no defense boost or immunity; just gains resource when taking fire damage. | |
Increases Bonus Experience by 20–30% |
All +%EXP gear works multiplicatively. A popular ring on Followers. | |
Summons a Fallen Lunatic to your side every 10–12 seconds. |
The Fallen Lunatics are suicide bombers who are very funny to watch. | |
Reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your skills by 1 seconds when you hit with a resource-spending attack. |
Provides potentially great cooldown reduction.
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Chance to create an area of focused power on killing a monster. Damage is increased by 35–40% while standing in the area. |
The ring proc creates a small yellow circle, which heroes must stand in to reap the benefit.
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Enemies slain while Feared die in a bloody explosion and cause other nearby enemies to flee in Fear. Not functional against Elite monsters. |
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Summon a treasure goblin who picks up normal-quality items for you. After picking up (12–16) items, he drops a rare item with a chance for a legendary. |
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Gain 45–60% increased movement speed for 4 seconds after Fearing an enemy. |
Not effective vs Elite enemies. | |
Reduces the number of items required for Set Bonuses by 1 (To a minimum of 2.) |
An essential property for many builds.
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Increase your Life per Second by up to 75–100% based on your missing Life. |
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Increase the damage of Whirlwind by 300–400% weapon damage. |
Damage adds, rather than multiplies, so less effective than it sounds.
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Gargantuan instead summons three smaller gargantuans, each more powerful than before. |
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Zombie Dogs instead summons a single gargantuan dog with more damage and health than all other dogs combined. |
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All damage taken is split between wearers of this item. |
Very powerful defensive buff when worn on the hero and a follower who can not die.
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Lightning damage has a 25-35 chance to Stun for 1.5 seconds. |
Works with Lightning skills or with weapons that possess Lightning damage. | |
Legendary Rings |
These legendary rings have no special legendary affixes, though they may gain them in future patches. Existing legendary items do not gain new affixes in future patches; you must find the ring again in the appropriate patch to get any new special property. | |
Set Rings |
Litany of the Undaunted |
These set rings have no individual legendary affixes. |
Armor: Helms
Regular HelmetsEdit
Significantly reduces the resource cost of skills so long as damage is not being taken. Much more useful for ranged characters and builds.
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When hit by an Undead enemy, has a chance to Charm the enemy briefly. Not extremely useful for any build | |
When using Threatening Shout, there is a small chance that enemies affected will also be Charmed to fight for you. Very useful with crowd-control based Barbarian builds | |
When hit by an enemy, has a chance to retaliate with a Poison Nova that deals moderate damage to enemies in a short radius. More useful for Poison-based builds and characters who take many blows. |
Spirit StonesEdit
When using the Lashing Tail Kick skill, a fireball is released that pierces enemies and explodes for 300-400% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards. | |
When the Inner Sanctuary skill is active, Spirit regeneration is increased significantly | |
Reduces the cooldown of the Breath of Heaven skill, allowing its buffs to be kept active at all times | |
When hitting an enemy, has a chance to remove the Spirit cost of all Monk abilities for a brief period of time. More effective with higher Attack Speed or otherwise fast hitting builds | |
When the skill Blinding Flash is used, restores a significant amount of Spirit. Useful for builds that utilize Blinding Flash frequently | |
Increases the maximum range of the Wave of Light skill to approximately 30 yards, allowing it to be used on distant targets. Effective vs Elite monsters |
Wizard HatsEdit
When Life is reduced to critical levels, automatically casts Diamond Skin on you. More effective in Hardcore mode, but still useful in saving you in a difficult situation | |
When clones generated by Mirror Image die, there is a small chance that they generate additional Mirror Images, prolonging the effect of the spell | |
While Frost Hydra is active, it will occasionally cast Frost Nova. Adds effective crowd control effects to the already powerful Hydra skill. | |
Potentially doubles the effectiveness of the Electrocute spell. Works better when dealing with large groups of monsters | |
When attacking an enemy, has a moderate chance of launching a fireball (similar to the Diablo 3 Vanilla Hellfire Ring effect). Reportedly does about 50% weapon damage as Fire |
Voodoo MasksEdit
Speeds up the duration of Locust Swarm and Haunt, dealing the same damage in less time. Be aware that the spells will need to be applied twice as often on tougher enemies to keep the effects in use | |
Enables Fetishes to shoot a Poison Dart whenever you use the skill. This allows for the use of a rune besides Head Hunters and still gain the benefits of having multiple ranged attacks from Fetishes. | |
Increases the amount of damage all pets deals, including those not directly summoned by Witch Doctor skills (such as shadow clones or Skeletons via Golden Gorget of Leoric) | |
When attacking, has a chance of summoning Mimics of yourself. These Mimics deal 100% of your damage, and have access to many of the skills available to the Witch Doctor. | |
Effectively increase the duration of Horrify's effects on enemies by 100-150%. | |
Automatically casts Fetish Army when you kill 2 Elite monsters. Extremely useful in thinning out Horde elites or multiple Elite group spawns |
Bows, Crossbows, and Quivers
Permanently summons a Raven, which passively attacks enemies for 100% weapon damage. | |
Alters the Elemental Arrow skill to generate Hatred instead of depleting. Provides Demon Hunters with more options for primary skill use. | |
When attacking, has a chance of firing a malicious chicken of doom, which deals no extra damage compared to normal attacks. Clucks upon spawning. |
When attacking, has a moderate chance to shoot an explosive bolt along with the arrow which deals 100% weapon damage as Fire. | |
When attacking, projectiles (not including channeled abilities such as Rapid Fire) pierce through enemies. If used with Hungering Arrow and The Ninth Cirri Satchel, this can lead to multiple piercings. Note the additional pierces occur after the initial check to pierce has happened, meaning that these additional pierces cannot proc subsequent pierces from Hungering Arrow. | |
When attacking, has a moderate chance to launch an acid blob along with the arrow. This blob splashes on the ground in a small radius, dealing 100% weapon damage as Poison damage per second over 5 seconds. Multiple splashes do not stack. | |
When attacking, has a 15% chance of rooting all enemies hit in place for 2 seconds. Has a 6 second cooldown between effect procs. | |
When an enemy approaches within 30 yards Spike Trap or a Spike Trap is deployed within 30 yards of an enemy, they are taunted towards the trap for 3 seconds. This effect has a 12 second cooldown per Spike Trap. | |
Increases the damage of Rapid Fire for every second it is channeled, up to a maximum of 120-160% extra damage. |
Hand CrossbowsEdit
When hitting an enemy, they are given the Marked For Death debuff, increasing all damage dealt to the enemy from all by 20%. This Mark of Death is separate from that which is placed by the Demon Hunter skill and can stack. | |
When this weapon is equipped, Strafe gains the effects of Drifting Shadow, allowing for another rune to be used in conjunction. | |
When hitting an enemy, provides a small chance of setting up a free basic Spike Trap, Caltrops, or Sentry. These apply any Runes equipped on these skills if they are currently equipped, and each trap counts towards the maximum allowed at any given time. |
Increases the maximum number of Sentries able to be deployed simultaneously. More reliable when paired with the Custom Engineering passive to extend the duration of each Sentry. | |
Eliminates the detonation timer for Bolas. Combines well with Buriza-Do Kyanon and the Rune Imminent Doom. | |
Causes the Impale skill to throw two additional projectiles, effectively tripling the damage output of this skill. Each projectile can trigger the 6 piece bonus of The Shadow's Mantle set, making it extremely powerful when used together. | |
Increases the chance that Hungering Arrow pierces an enemy. Combines well with Puncturing Arrow or Shatter Shot Runes equipped. |
Normal BeltsEdit
When a Health Globe is picked up, temporarily increases maximum Life for a short time. Works best with Health Globe increased drop builds. | |
When Gold is picked up, increases your Armor by the amount picked up. A situational benefit that is short lived. | |
On hit, has a chance of creating a bubble approximately 20 yards wide that Stuns and Blinds enemies within for a brief time. Great for crowd control, even against Elite enemies. | |
When opening a Chest, gives a significant damage boost for a short period of time. While situational, the damage bonus can help with taking out tough mobs. | |
Gives Locust Swarm a crowd control element on top of the inherent damage over time. Great for Witch Doctors that utilize the Locust Swarm ability. | |
When a Health Globe is picked up, a Fire explosion for considerable damage erupts from your position. Excellent for melee classes, moreso with Fire-based classes. | |
When opening a Chest, casts Haunt on up to five nearby enemies. Situational, but helps keep some nearby enemies Slowed for a getaway or engage. | |
Upon Blocking, Dodging, or being hit, you fire out random bolts of electricity, similar to Electrified Elites. Extremely powerful for melee based, Lightning themed builds. | |
Adds a heavy Slow effect to enemies who are hit by the Wizard's Black Hole. Excellent for Wizards that utilize the skill. |
Mighty BeltsEdit
Increases the duration of Ignore Pain by up to 200%. Superb for tanking mobs as a Barbarian. | |
Adds a Movement Speed component to the buffs of War Cry. Gains more usefulness when utilizing minions or grouped with other players. |
Extends the duration of Shrines to 10 minutes, increasing their usefulness incredibly. | |
When there are a significant number of enemies nearby, you are given a shield equal to about one quarter of your maximum Life. More useful the more Life you have, and most effective with melee-based classes. | |
Upgrades some Chill effects inflicted by you to Freeze enemies instead. Not effective versus Elite monsters, especially Frozen or Frozen Pulse enchanted monsters. | |
Significantly increases the attack speed of Fetishes, Companions, Sentry, and other minions/pets. Great for minion-based builds. | |
Causes Gold to spawn after earning a Massacre. Useful for making money, or coupled with Goldwrap or other Gold-based buffs. |
When hit, there is a chance that your total Thorns damage is multiplied greatly and dealt to all nearby enemies. Significantly increases the usefulness of Thorns benefits, best on melee characters that are struck often | |
Gives a small chance of producing a Nephalem Glory buff globe when an enemy is Blinded. Useful in Blind-based builds, or paired with Blind Faith | |
Reduces ALL damage taken based on the number of Stunned enemies nearby. Excellent for crowd Stunning builds | |
Grants Experience equal to the amount of Gold picked up. Grants considerable Experience when equipped in the Land of Greed. | |
When worn and a Shrine is activated, a group of Elite monsters or a Champion monster with minions will spawn. Useful for extra enemies to farm ... so long as you are ready to face them. | |
Increases the damage done to enemies affected by Knockback. Useful for Knockback-based builds. | |
Gives healing wells additional recovery bonuses. Useful to keep for when a Healing Well is encountered. |
Items of Diablo III [e] Item Basics Normal Items Crafting Legendary Armor I Legendary Armor II Legendary Weapons 1h Legendary Weapons 2h Item Sets |