Hallowed Bulwark

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Hallowed Bulwark.

Hallowed Bulwark is a legendary Crusader shield that can be found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This item can only be equipped by the Crusader, and will very rarely drop for any other class.

The Smart Drop system ensures that Crusader Shields will usually roll with Strength, or at least never roll with Dexterity or Intelligence.

Hallowed Bulwark properties

This item's legendary affix kicks in when the Crusader uses his Iron Skin defensive skill, greatly increasing blocking % for the duration of the ability. This can make the Crusader virtually unkillable at that time, at least against attacks that can be blocked (which does not include the most dangerous Elite Affixes elemental effects.)

  • All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped.
  • See the sample screenshots below to see how this item will roll at level 70.

Hallowed Bulwark: Legendary Crusader shield

  • Minimum Item Level: 31

Item Stats at level 70:

  • 1980–2277 Armor

Primary Affixes:

  • +(626-750) Strength
  • +(626-750) Vitality
  • +2 random primary affixes

Secondary Affixes:

  • +1 random secondary affix
  • Iron Skin also increases your Block Amount by (45-60)%.

Forged by one of the first crusaders before he left Travincal,
this shield glimmers with the light of enduring dedication. It
has been passed on from master to apprentice time after time,
ever guarding its bearers against the forces of darkness.

Salvages into:

Item Examples

Several examples of this item equipped on level 70 characters can be seen below. View hundreds more samples of the Hallowed Bulwark via DiabloNut's armory.
