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The Wedge

The Wedge.

The Wedge is a crafted legendary axe that can be created in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls.

This item can be created and equipped by any class. It is a useful weapon for the level, but with a fixed level of 40, no matter what level character creates it, it does not scale up in value/power to remain competitive in the end game.


The Wedge properties

This axe has no legendary affix, but with good damage and an inherent Attack Speed property, it can be a useful item for characters of the appropriate level providing it spawns with a socket.

  • This crafted item can only be made as a level 40 item, and thus will never equal level 70 legendaries in total value.

The Wedge: Legendary one-handed axe

  • Item Level: 40
  • 137.2–158.2 Damage Per Second
  • (84–96)–(121–138) Damage
  • 1.34–1.35 Attacks per Second

Primary Affixes:

  • +(53–65)–(64–81) Cold Damage
  • Increases Attack Speed by 3–4%
  • +2 random primary affixes

Secondary Affixes:

  • +31–40 Cold Resistance
  • +1 random secondary affixes
  • Legendary Affix: None.

"Utar's mighty blade was colder than the bitterest winter chill,
hewn from the never-melting ice of the summit of Mount Paolarr."
—Chronicles of the North

Salvages into:

Crafting Costs

This recipe is learned from the Plan: The Wedge, which must be found as a random drop from a target of about level 40.

The Wedge

Item Examples

Several examples of this item can be seen below. View more of the The Wedge via DiabloNut's armory.

