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Kridershot database.

The Kridershot is one of the most desired legendary weapons for Demon Hunters.

It is a bow with stats comparable to other bows, but a very valuable legendary affix that turns the Elemental Arrow skill into a Hatred Generator.

This legendary affix allows Demon Hunters to generate hatred with a skill that deals far higher damage than any of the usual Hatred Generators. The simplest change is to use a lot of Elemental Arrow as a main attack skill, and supplement that with big bang Hatred Spenders, such as Cluster Bear. Gear with bonus damage to Elemental Arrow is very useful to pair with this bow, and most players wind up engaging in a lot of gear switching when they find this weapon and need to change their armor to match.[1]

Item Stats

The key stats of this bow is that it always rolls with a socket, almost always rolls with +Dex for a Demon Hunter, and has the amazing legendary affix. Since the socket and dexterity are inherent, players can often spend their enchant to increase the damage, or roll one of the other useful primary stats such as IAS, +Elite damage, or +damage%.

See the level 70 screenshots below for a sense of how this item works in reality.


  • Minimum Level: 31
  • 1.40 Attacks per Second
  • One of 2 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +128–163 Dexterity
    • +128–163 Intelligence
  • One of 14 Magic Properties (varies)
    • +(3–6)–(7–14) Arcane Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Arcane Damage
    • +(3–6)–(7–14) Poison Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Poison Damage
    • +(3–6)–(7–14) Lightning Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Lightning Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Holy Damage
    • +(3–6)–(7–14) Holy Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Cold Damage
    • +(2–3)–(4–7) Cold Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Fire Damage
    • +(3–6)–(7–14) Fire Damage
    • +(32–39)–(39–49) Damage
    • +3–6 Minimum Damage
    • +4–8 Maximum Damage
  • +2 Random Magic Properties
  • Empty Socket
  • Elemental Arrow now generates 3–4 Hatred.

Level 70 Examples

Several screenshots of level 70 versions of this item in use by players of various classes. Items courtesy of the DiabloNut armory. See more examples here.

Selection of Level 70 Kridershots.

Diablo 3 Classic

This item was present in Diablo 3 vanilla, but it did not have the great legendary affix. It was also of no use in the end game since it was low level and items did not scale up prior to D3v2.