The Fire Brand is a two-handed crafted legendary axe found in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. This item crafts at level 60 and does not scale up higher, making it useless for the end game in Reaper of Souls. Level 70 characters in Reaper of Souls use the Cinder Switch, which is essentially the level 70 version of this item.
Item Stats
- Item Level: 60
- 1.00 Attacks per Second
- +(732–894)–(877–1111) Fire Damage
- Secondary
- +81–100 Fire Resistance
- +3 Random Magic Properties
- 25–50% chance to cast a fireball when attacking.
Crafting Requirements
This plan is learned by the Blacksmith when he is trained up to level 10. No legendary plan must be found and it requires no legendary material to create.
- Common Scraps: 36
- Exquisite Essence: 28
- Iridescent Tear: 20
- Demonic Essence: 1
- Fiery Brimstone: 2
- Gold: 33,480
- Plan Level 10 (Exalted)
In-Game Examples
The Fire Brand creates at level 60 and thus there are no examples of it on any of the level 70 characters in the DiabloNut armory as of May 2014. See samples here if some come to exist in the future.
Diablo 3 classic
Like most crafted legendary items in Diablo 3 vanilla, this axe lacked the damage or stats to be useful to characters in the end game and was seldom seen in action.
As seen in the beta.
Items of Diablo III [e] Item Basics Normal Items Crafting Legendary Armor I Legendary Armor II Legendary Weapons 1h Legendary Weapons 2h Item Sets |