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Bow dropped, March 2010.

Bows and crossbows are common item finds in Diablo III, and are a weapon type the Demon Hunter specializes in using. They are not class-specific, other than the Hand Crossbows, and any character can use them, though only the Demon Hunter has special skills to take advantage of bow and xbows.

Numerous monsters and NPCs use bows as well.



ItemBowShortBow.png Short Bow

Common Bow
(Level 1)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


4.9–6.3 Damage Per Second
(1–2) to (6–7) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowWardenBow.png Warden Bow

Common Bow
(Level 2)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


8.4–12.6 Damage Per Second
(1–3) to (11–15) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowLongBow.png Long Bow

Common Bow
(Level 7)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


11.2–17.5 Damage Per Second
(1–4) to (15–21) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowRecurveBow.png Recurve Bow

Common Bow
(Level 13)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


16.1–24.5 Damage Per Second
(2–6) to (21–29) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowHuntingBow.png Hunting Bow

Common Bow
(Level 18)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


21.0–29.4 Damage Per Second
(3–7) to (27–35) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowBattleBow.png Battle Bow

Common Bow
(Level 22)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


32.0–38.0 Damage Per Second
(8–12) to (56–64) Damage
1.00 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowShortBow.png Siege Bow

Common Bow
(Level 27)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


25.9–36.4 Damage Per Second
(3–8) to (34–44) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowWardenBow.png Maruki

Common Bow
(Level 31)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


34.3–44.8 Damage Per Second
(5–10) to (44–54) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowLongBow.png Yumi

Common Bow
(Level 34)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


40.6–51.1 Damage Per Second
(6–11) to (52–62) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowRecurveBow.png Composite Bow

Common Bow
(Level 37)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


46.9–59.5 Damage Per Second
(7–13) to (60–72) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowHuntingBow.png Daikyu

Common Bow
(Level 41)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


59.5–72.1 Damage Per Second
(10–16) to (75–87) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowBattleBow.png Hankyu

Common Bow
(Level 44)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


70.7–83.3 Damage Per Second
(12–18) to (89–101) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowShortBow.png Higoyumi

Common Bow
(Level 50)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


91.0–105.7 Damage Per Second
(16–23) to (114–128) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowWardenBow.png Ranger Bow

Common Bow
(Level 53)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


108.5–123.2 Damage Per Second
(20–27) to (135–149) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowLongBow.png Longshot Bow

Common Bow
(Level 56)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


127.4–142.1 Damage Per Second
(24–31) to (158–172) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowRecurveBow.png Sniper Bow

Common Bow
(Level 60)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


148.4–165.2 Damage Per Second
(28–36) to (184–200) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowHuntingBow.png Phantom Bow

Common Bow
(Level 60)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


155.4–172.2 Damage Per Second
(29–37) to (193–209) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

ItemBowBattleBow.png Revenant Bow

Common Bow
(Level 60)

? salvage
Value: ? Gold s.png


164.5–181.3 Damage Per Second
(31–39) to (204–220) Damage
1.40 Attacks Per Second

Durability: 45–55

Bows and Xbows Concealed

Demon Hunter with bow.

While a short bow was seen to drop in the WWI June 2008 gameplay movie, no other bows were seen in-game until Blizzcon 2010. There were no bows or ranged weapons of any type available in the Blizzcon 2008 and 2009 demos, presumably deactivated from dropping since Blizzard wished to keep the item types out of sight until the Ranger.

At least so it was thought; a bow was sighted[1] in a screenshot[2] from March 2010, but only after the Demon Hunter was revealed at Blizzcon 2010. No special insight was required to notice the bow; it was just in a dark corner of a screenshot and hard to see. Most likely Blizzard didn't notice it either, else they would not have released the shot at a time when the fifth character was still far from being revealed.

Archer NPCs

While no bows were seen in drops or equipped by characters before October 2010 and the Demon Hunter's debut, they were not missing from the game. Various NPCs have been seen using bows, including wandering NPC warriors in the WWI 2008 gameplay movie.

Leah was also shown holding a bow in town in the Caravan screenshots released in August 2010. It's unknown if she ever accompanies the player into combat, or is just a sort of apprentice Rogue who only holds the bow for status points while in town.

Archer Monsters

Skeletal Archers are common enemies in Act One screenshots. It's unknown if there are higher level monster archers found later in the game.

Bow Images

Prior to the Demon Hunter, the only bows seen equipped were by monsters and NPCs. A few examples are included below.