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Hand Crossbows

Revision as of 09:46, 3 October 2011 by Brokenstorm (talk | contribs)

The hand crossbow is a class-specific item that can only be used by the Demon Hunter.

Unlike other crossbows, the hand crossbow is a one-handed item. This means Hand Crossbows may be wielded in combination with a shield or quiver if the player so chooses, but it is likely the best DPS output will come from dual wielding these items. Hand crossbows have the fastest firing rate of any ranged weapon in the game, but they do less damage than other bows or crossbows to compensate.


Hand Crossbows


Name Properties Rq Lvl
ItemHXbowInitiate'sHandCrossbow.png Initiate's Hand Crossbow 3.0–4.2 Damage Per Second
(2–3) to (3–4) Damage
1.20 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowSimpleHandCrossbow.png Simple Hand Crossbow 4.5 Damage Per Second
1 to 4 Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowLightHandCrossbow.png Light Hand Crossbow 5.4–9.0 Damage Per Second
(1–2) to (5–8) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowStakeThrower.png Stake Thrower 9.0–13.5 Damage Per Second
(2–3) to (8–12) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHandCrossbow.png Hand Crossbow 11.7–17.1 Damage Per Second
(2–3) to (11–16) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowSlinglock.png Slinglock 14.4–21.6 Damage Per Second
(2–4) to (14–20) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowQuillshot.png Quillshot 18.9–26.1 Damage Per Second
(3–5) to (18–24) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowNailSpitter.png Nail Spitter 19.8–28.8 Damage Per Second
(2–5) to (20–27) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHeavyStakeThrower.png Heavy Stake Thrower 23.4–34.2 Damage Per Second
(2–6) to (24–32) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second



Name Properties Rq Lvl
ItemHXbowSimpleHandCrossbow.png Sling Pistol 25.2–38.7 Damage Per Second
(2–7) to (26–36) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowLightHandCrossbow.png Crosslock 31.5–45.0 Damage Per Second
(3–8) to (32–42) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowStakeThrower.png Siege Lock 36.0–49.5 Damage Per Second
(4–9) to (36–46) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHandCrossbow.png Arcus 45.0–58.5 Damage Per Second
(5–10) to (45–55) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowSlinglock.png Cranequin 48.6–64.8 Damage Per Second
(5–11) to (49–61) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowQuillshot.png Spine Thrower 59.4–75.6 Damage Per Second
(7–13) to (59–71) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowNailSpitter.png Heavy Arcus 66.6–82.8 Damage Per Second
(8–14) to (66–78) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHeavyStakeThrower.png Bolt Rack 79.2–95.4 Damage Per Second
(10–16) to (78–90) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second



Name Properties Rq Lvl
ItemHXbowSimpleHandCrossbow.png Runic Sling Pistol 92.7–111.6 Damage Per Second
(12–19) to (91–105) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowLightHandCrossbow.png Splinter Shot 103.5–122.4 Damage Per Second
(14–21) to (101–115) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowStakeThrower.png Windlash 116.1–135.0 Damage Per Second
(16–23) to (113–127) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHandCrossbow.png Blade Spitter 126.9–148.5 Damage Per Second
(17–25) to (124–140) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowSlinglock.png Heavy Cranequin 143.1–164.7 Damage Per Second
(20–28) to (139–155) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowQuillshot.png Runic Arcus 150.3–171.9 Damage Per Second
(21–29) to (146–162) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowNailSpitter.png Impellor 160.2–181.8 Damage Per Second
(23–31) to (155–171) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


ItemHXbowHeavyStakeThrower.png Exorcist 168.3–189.9 Damage Per Second
(24–32) to (163–179) Damage
1.80 Attacks Per Second


Dual Wield Only?

Just pretend he's a Demon Hunter.

At Blizzcon 2010, hand xbows could only be dual wielded. The bows came in a pair, and looked something like you see in the paperdoll mock-up to the right. A Demon Hunter could only equip both at once, or neither; it was not possible to equip just one hand xbow with a one-handed a weapon or a shield.

This was thought to be a balance issue; the hand xbow was the fastest firing ranged weapon in the game, but as a trade off they had to be used two at a time, trading defense for offense. This may not be the case in the final game though, as Bashiok explained while answering some forum questions in November 2010. [1]

[Can the Demon Hunter use] two separate and unique one hand crossbows w/ different stats on them?
Bashiok: Yes, that is in. A lot of work is being done right now on demon hunter weapons so some things are still up in the air, but dual-wielding one handed crossbows in each hand, each with their own unique enchants and gems, etc. is now in the game.
So, one could now wield a one-handed crossbow in one hand, and a shield in the other?
Bashiok: Potentially, but some things are still up in the air
I do wonder what other classes will be able to use 1 handed crossbows.
Bashiok: No other class is planned to use one-handed crossbows. It’s a demon hunter thing. There are two handed crossbows that the witch doctor and wizard can use.

It's unclear how the developers would balance this out; if a hand crossbow is the fastest firing weapon, AND it can be used with a shield, or two of them can be used at once, that seems like an enormous bonus, since that doubles the item modifiers, gem bonuses, etc. The damage of the hand crossbow would have to be much lower, the item bonuses limited, the number of sockets capped, etc.

Demon Hunter Cinematic

The Demon Hunter makes extensive use of dual hand crossbows in her introductory cinematic, devastating a horde of demons with the weapons.

Demon Hunter using both xbows at once with multishot, in her cinematic.