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Mystic concept and in-game art.

The Mystic is one of the three Artisans introduced in Diablo III. Like the Blacksmith and the Jeweler, the Mystic is located in the Caravan area, which moves with the character between each act.

The Mystic's main function is to enchant items, adding various magical bonuses to a player's equipment. She also handles some item crafting and has various plot and quest dialogues and functions.

The Mystic's Functions

The mystic's primary function is to enchant items, adding magical bonuses to them. She was initially said to craft spell-caster items such as wands and staves, but it is not known if she still possesses this ability. Here's a quote from the Caravan FAQ, with the initial Artisan information.

The mystic creates scrolls, potions, magical weapons, spell runes, and charms, and can also enchant items.

When the NPC was revealed, it was said that she could craft magical and rare Staves and Wands, though the Blacksmith is known to possess recipes to make most types of weapons, as of the Beta test. The Mystic's interface does still possess a tab for Weapon crafting, as of BlizzCon 2011.

The mystic was initially said to identify items [1], but as only rare and legendary items require identification in Diablo III, and identify scrolls are cheap and plentiful, this seems a fairly non-essential Artisan function.

Item Enchantments

The range of possible enhancements is shown in this comparison shot.

The Mystic's main utility comes from her ability to add bonuses to all sorts of items. This system was detailed in the BlizzCon 2011 Panel: Gameplay & Auction House, and discussed in Blizzcon 2011 interviews. Here's Andrew Chambers speaking on the topic. [2]

Gameplanet: Are [the Mystic's item enchantments] randomised or can they be selected?
Andrew Chambers: You specify the item you want, then you choose the enhancement you want, and that enhancement actually has a range. So say the plus experience might be 10 to 20 percent: when she applies it you might get +15% experience. You can reapply that and you’ll have a change of getting +16% or +17% experience, but it will never go beneath the current enhancement and you've always got a chance to improve to the maximum possible value.

There is not yet a list of the Mystic's types of enchantments or the levels of training at which they become available. Training the Mystic to learn more enchants works just like training up the Blacksmith or Jeweler; lots of gold, lots of materials, and dozens of books of training.

Mystic's Wagon

Initial wagon concept.

Concept art for her wagon was shown in the Crafting Sanctuary panel at Blizzcon 2010. The basic concept was of a wagon and accouterments with a rounded, organic shape, to make it stand apart from the Blacksmith's wagon, which as a very rectangular shape, outlined with rigid, gleaming metal and ornamented with dozens of weapons and shining pieces of armor.

Like the other Artisans, the Mystic can be leveled up ten times, and her wagon changes graphics with each level.

A series of images showing four levels (it's not known which four, but these are likely 1, 3, 5, and 7, or something representative like that) of the wagon upgrade were debuted during a panel at BlizzCon 2011. You can see a compilation of those shots below.

Four levels of the Mystic's wagon upgrades were revealed in a Blizzcon 2011 panel.

Mystic's Interface

Early interface.
Mystic's Interface.

All of the Artisans share the same interface window, in design and function, though the available tabs differ by the functions of each Artisan.

Each Artisan was originally set to have a customized (in appearance) interface window; you can see an early version of the Mystic's to the left, but this concept was scrapped during development and the Artisan interfaces all share a uniform design as of the Beta test.

A shot of a Demon Hunter consulting the Mystic with her Training tab open can be seen to the right. Click it for a much larger view.

The Mystic's Story

Little is yet known of the Mystic's story. She is encountered in the later portions of Act One, and her trust is earned by the player assisting her when her wagon is broken and she is stranded in dangerous surroundings.

The character's name is "Karyna".

When the Mystic was first revealed with teh other Artisans, many fans speuclated that she might be Adria, the NPC witch from Diablo I. While an interesting supposition, this ultimately proved to be untrue.


The first images of the Mystic and her shop were revealed at Blizzcon 2010. She has not yet appeared in any screenshots.