Legendary Gems

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Legendary Gems will be added to Reaper of Souls in Patch 2.1, and are currently undergoing testing on the PTR. The items add special bonuses when socketed in rings and amulets (only on Chars and not on Followers), and can be upgraded in power via Urshi, the NPC who appears only in Greater Rifts.

While the developers are calling them "legendary gems" these socketables have nothing in common with regular gems in stats or appearance, and are more analogous to the Rainbow Facet unique jewels of Diablo 2. The main difference in Diablo 3 is that these gems can only be socketed in jewelry, and the way the gems can be upgraded to improve their functions over time.

Legendary Gems Listing

While the Legendary Gems are still undergoing development on the PTR, their stats and bonuses are changing constantly. A major revision was created on July 15, 2014 with new or upgraded stats for almost every gem. [1] More changes came August 5th with a patch that changed the Enforcer gem, and completely reworked the upgrading system, changing legendary gems from 50 to 200 ranks. [2] Another patch later in August reduced the total ranks, removed multi-level upgrades, gave 3 chances to upgrade, and changed the secondary property to unlock at rank 25.

Consider all stats temporary until Patch 2.1.0 goes live.


Bane of the Powerful

  • Gain 30% increased damage for 20 seconds after killing an elite pack.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +1 second buff duration.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain 20% bonus damage to elites.


Bane of the Trapped

  • Increase damage against enemies under control-impairing effects by 20%.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +0.5% damage.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain an aura that reduces the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30%.

Boon of the Hoarder

  • 30% chance on killing an enemy to cause an explosion of gold.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +1% chance on kill.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds after picking up gold.



  • Increases the damage of your pets by 25%.
  • Upgrade rank grants: 1% more pet damage per level.
  • Secondary Power: Rank 25 unlocks "Your pets take 30% reduced damage."


Gem of Efficacious Toxin

  • Poison all enemies hit for 1000% weapon damage over 10 seconds.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +20% weapon damage over 10 seconds.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: All enemies you poison take 10% increased damage from all sources.


Gogok of Swiftness

  • 50% chance on hit to gain Swiftness, increasing your Attack Speed by 2% for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +1% chance.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain 2% Cooldown Reduction per stack of Swiftness.


Invigorating Gemstone

  • While under any control-impairing effects, reduce all damage taken by 30%.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +1%. Maximum +50% upgrade (80% total).
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Heal for 20% of maximum life when hit by control-impairing effect.


Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver

  • 15% chance on hit to smite a nearby enemy for 1000% weapon damage as Holy.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +20% weapon damage.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Smite a nearby enemy every 5 seconds.



  • 30% of all damage taken is instead staggered and dealt to you over 3 seconds.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +0.1 second to the stagger duration.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: 10% chance on kill to clear all staggered damage.


Pain Enhancer

  • Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for 500% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +10% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 2% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards.


Simplicity’s Strength

  • Increase the damage of primary skills by 25%.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +0.5% damage.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Primary skills heal you for 2% of maximum health on hit.



  • Gain 1% increased damage for 4 seconds after spending primary resource. This effect stacks up to 10 times. Gaining a stack refreshes all existing stacks.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +1 max stack.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: Gain 1% increased Armor for every stack.

Bliz Note: This buff duration on this gem was chosen so that it’s easier to keep up with cheap spenders and not trivial with expensive spenders.


Wreath of Lightning

  • 15% chance on hit to gain a Wreath of Lightning, dealing 500% weapon damage as Lightning every second to 1-2 nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +10% weapon damage per second.
  • Rank 25 unlocks: While under the effect of the Wreath of Lightning, gain 25% increased movement speed.


Zei’s Stone of Vengeance

  • Damage you deal is increased by 6% for every 10 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum 30% increase.
  • Upgrade rank grants: +0.1% for every 10 yards (+0.5% to max).
  • Rank 25 unlocks: 30% chance on hit to Stun the enemy for 1 second.

Bliz Note: The max of 50 yards was added not because it was too powerful (even though it was too powerful), but so that you wouldn't be incentivized to stay offscreen while your pets killed everything. At 50 yards, I expect you to be in range to actually still use your skills (crazy right?).

Gem Upgrade Odds

Legendary Gem upgrade interface from a L19 GRift.

The only way to upgrade a Legendary Gem is via Urshi, who appears only in Greater Rifts. The odds that a gem will be upgraded increase with each higher level Greater Rift completed in that game. The system is still under construction and a patch on August 5, 2014 reworked this system entirely, changing the maximum level from 50 to 200, while greatly increasing the odds for multiple rank boosts per upgrade and granting multiple upgrade opportunities on higher level greater rifts. [3]

Legendary gems now start at rank 0
  • Changes have been made to the frequency at which Legendary gems are upgraded
    • Note: Because of this change the power of each upgrade has been reduced, but the overall rate at which gem power is gained through upgrades should remain roughly the same

Figures below are for the first system, when rank 50 was the maximum value. This system has changed twice since the initial version, and may change more until Patch 2.1 goes live.

Old Upgrade Odds

These were the odds for the first version of Legendary Gems. These figures are *NOT* accurate anymore, and are preserved for archival value. The figures are exact, and were displayed in a tooltip when using the upgrade interface.[1]

  • Rift Level 01 - Upgrade chance 21%
  • Rift Level 17 - Upgrade chance 45%
  • Rift Level 18 - Upgrade chance 46%
  • Rift Level 19 - Upgrade chance 47%
  • Rift Level 20 - Upgrade chance 49%
  • Rift Level 21 - Upgrade chance 50%
  • Rift Level 22 - Upgrade chance 51%
  • Rift Level 25 - Upgrade chance 55%
  • Rift Level 26 - Upgrade chance 56%
  • Rift Level 27 - Upgrade chance 57%
  • Rift Level 28 - Upgrade chance 58%
  • Rift Level 29 - Upgrade chance 59%
  • Rift Level 30 - Upgrade chance 60%
  • Rift Level 31 - Upgrade chance 61%
  • Rift Level 31 - Upgrade chance 62%
  • Rift Level 33 - Upgrade chance 63%
  • Rift Level 34 - Upgrade chance 64%
  • Rfit Level 35 - Upgrade chance 65%
  • Rift Level 40 - Upgrade chance 70%
  • Rift Level 41 - Upgrade chance 71%
  • Rift Level 45 - Upgrade chance 75%
  • Rift Level 50 - Upgrade chance 79%
  • Rift Level 69 - Upgrade chance 93%
  • Rift Level 100 - Upgrade chance 100%

Legendary Gem Design Theory

Legendary Gem upgrade interface via Urshi.

Blizzard's John Yang explained the design theory behind Legendary Gems while they were being tested on the PTR, July 15, 2014. [4]

Hi everyone. I wanted to pop in here while discussion on Legendary gems is ongoing.

First off, our philosophy on Legendary gems is that, when you pick one up for the first time, you should immediately want to use it, assuming it’s for your build, since some gems don’t apply to all builds/needs. This puts a minimum bar on the starting power level. After that, the power increase per upgrade is directly related to the frequency of upgrading, which is closely tied to the Greater Rift reward scheme and is still being iterated on. In the end, we’d like gems to be infinitely upgradeable when it makes sense, but not be outrageous.

Additionally, all Legendary gems have been disabled for followers. These powers were not designed for followers in mind, and this way we can ensure the gems are of a high power level because you can only have 3 equipped. In the future, if followers need avenues of advancement we would likely make Legendary gems specifically designed for them.

Now for the details. The existing stats you see on Legendary gems on the PTR today are somewhat placeholder. So, to steer further discussion in a direction that’s more in line with the next PTR build, here are the freshly tuned numbers (with some of my notes) for each gem.

Official Reveal

Legendary Gems were first revealed in June 2014 and the first official info came from Blizzard's Patch 2.1 preview blog. [5]

Legendary Gems are still undergoing significant iteration at this time, so you won’t see them available on the PTR right away. The gist is that these gems are infinitely upgradeable, and provide special Legendary powers when socketed into the appropriate gear slot. They can only be socketed into Rings and Amulets, and can be upgraded by completing additional Greater Rifts. The higher you place in a Greater Rift, the more likely your gem will be successfully upgraded. We’ll have more details in the future as we continue development on these powerful baubles, so stay tuned!


Images of Legendary Gems, all from the PTR and subject to change before Patch 2.1 goes live.


  1. Legendary Gem Updates - John Yang, 15/07/2014
  2. Legendary Gem changes - August 5th PTR Patch 5/08/2014
  3. Legendary Gem changes - August 5th PTR Patch 5/08/2014
  4. Legendary Gem Updates - John Yang, 15/07/2014
  5. Patch 2.1 preview blog - Diablo3.com, 18/06/2014