The Compass Rose

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The Compass Rose is a ring from the Endless Path Item Set.

This ring provides a nice bonus to Magic Find and the hard-to-obtain Faster Movement speed (no other ring carries that bonus), but none of the trifecta bonuses of Attack Speed, Critical Hit Chance, or Critical Hit Damage are present inherently, nor is there a bonus to any mainstat. This means The Compass Rose will never match up to the DPS of top quality rings, though it can be useful in other ways.

Note that there is a partial set bonus of +50% Critical hit Damage from equipping both items in the set, which at least partially makes up for the lacking damage stats on the items themselves.

<item type="single">The Compass Rose</item>

Item Set Stats

Endless Path

Partial Set Bonuses:

  • ( 2 ) Set :
    • +100 Vitality
    • Critical Hit Damage Increased by 50%

Legacy Version

All legendaries, including set items, found before Patch 1.0.4 buffed them, are legacy items. These older legendary items have generally much lower stats than the current versions, and Legacy set items have different names than the current versions, to avoid confusion.

Endless Journey

Legacy Set Bonuses