Explosive Blast

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Explosive Blast is a Wizard Tier 2 skill unlocked at level 3, blasting a small area for high damage.


Diablo III Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Explosive Blast

Active, 5 ranks

Used by: Wizard
Skill Description:
A blast of energy explodes at the target causing 10-16 damage in a small radius.
Skill Details:
Type: Direct Damage
Quantity: 10 damage
Effect: Circular AoE
School: Arcane
Arcane Power cost: 12
Cast time: Instant
Duration: None
Cooldown: 1.5 sec
Synergies: None
Requires: N/A
Prereq of: N/A

The Wizard conjures volatile gasses to the physical realm, igniting with oxygen and creating a powerful blast in a very limited space.

Skill Design

This skill is basically a short-range nova centered around the Wizard, on a short time delay. Since the Wizard can move after activating it, she can select it, run into the midst of a pack of monsters, then laugh when they go boom.

The spell's delay (about 1.5 seconds) makes it unsuitable for emergency use, and its short range (at least at level 1) makes it difficult to use without getting pounded on. Skill runes will undoubtably make it more viable, and less a novelty skill.

Skill Rank Table

  • Rank 1: After building up for 1.5 seconds, an arcane explosion deals 10-16 damage to all nearby monsters.


Explosive Blast benefits directly from the following traits:

Skill Rune Effects

  • Unknown rune: turns the single blast into three consecutive blasts.


Explosive Blast was first seen at BlizzCon 2009 in the gameplay demo available to visitors. It was one of the Wizard's starting skills at BlizzCon 2010.


You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:
