Spirit Skill Tree

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The Witch Doctor has three skill trees, with a variety of active and passive skills in each. Only 11 WD skills were revealed at Blizzcon, (more than 55 each were shown for the Wizard and Barbarian) so our knowledge of this character's abilities is much less extensive. Furthermore, all 11 skills were active skills, so we know nothing of the WD's passives and masteries.

The Witch Doctor's tree skill trees are:

Diablo III Skill Trees

Template:Class navboxUnlike the skill trees in Diablo II, the trees in Diablo III are not focused on just one aspect of a character. All known D3 skill trees have a wide variety of skills, with more passive than active, and all allow for a variety of play styles.

All active skills in the BlizzCon build were capped at 1 skill point (or rank, as skill levels are called in D3), while most passives went up to 15 points. This will not be the case in the final game; active skills will allow more than 1 point, and passives may have different maximum ranks, to allow better game balancing. Know that skills will be modified, that some will be removed, that others will be added, and that the numbers are almost certain to change.


There are very few purely offensive skills here, a lot of skills in this tree focus on enabling mana-regeneration abilities for the Witch Doctor.

Tier I


  • Launch a Spirit to invade the bodies of your enemies, causing sustained damage over time; the spirit lasts longer when inhabitatng a host than when roaming looking for one.

Spirit Vessel

  • Replenishes your mana when consuming a health globe.

Tier II

Soul Harvest

  • Draw out the life of enemies to replenish your mana.


  • Increase your spell power by a percentage (%) of your vitality.

Tier III

Spirit Sense

  • Increase damage against targets with low-health by a percentage (%).


  • Don a spectral mask that horrifies enemies, causing them to run away from you.

Tier IV

Spirit Barrage

  • A multitude of spirit bolts bombard enemies in targeted areas.

Ritual of Blood

  • Whilst active, a percentage (%) of all mana costs are paid for with health.

Tier V

Spirit Walk

  • Traverse your physical body into the spirit realm, allowing unhindered movement for a time.


  • Your spirit spells return a percentage (%) of their mana cost over 10 seconds.

Tier VI

Death Pact

  • Induce momentary invulnerability whenever you are reduced to 10% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 seconds.

Mass Confusion

  • Induce paranoia in enemies, causing some to fight for the Witch Doctor for a period of time.