Prismatic Cloak

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All traits were removed from the game prior to the press event of July 2011. These are archived for future curiosity and reference. This page is not to be updated with current info; see the skills page for current skill information.

Prismatic Cloak is a trait possessed by the Wizard. It increases the effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor, two defensive skills.

Prismatic Cloak Properties[edit | edit source]

Prismatic Cloak

  • Clvl Req: Under 10.
  • Description: Increases the effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor by 100%.
  • Max points: 3
    • Rank One: +100% effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor
    • Rank Two: +200% effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor
    • Rank Three: +300% effect of Ice Armor and Storm Armor
  • Lore: An icy mist that freezes to the bone, the low hum and spark of electricity in the air ... even touching a Wizard can have dire consequences.

Classes[edit | edit source]

The trait display.

This is a Wizard-only trait.

Synergies[edit | edit source]

This trait boosts the effects of two of the Wizard's defensive skills. It should not be invested in otherwise.