Grasp of the Dead

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Grasp of the Dead is a Witch Doctor Tier 3 skill unlocked at level 6. This skill is a curse; it inflicts victims with much slower foot speed and deals damage as well. It's highly useful in the Arena PvP.


Diablo III Active Skill [e]
Grasp of the Dead
Used by: Witch Doctor
Enabled at: Clvl 6
Skill Description
Cursed hands reach out, slowing enemies and dealing damage over time.
Type: Debuff/DoT
Resource Use: Costs Mana
Skill Rune Effects
Alabaster rune: Unknown
Crimson rune: Unknown
Golden rune: Unknown
Indigo rune: Unknown
Obsidian rune: Unknown

A powerful debuff. This curses the target with much reduced movement speed and deals damage as well.

Skill Design

Grasp of the Dead on a Wizard.

This skill is powerful, but has a very small radius of effect. Possibly this can be increased with a runestone. As it is, GotD requires precise aim and timing to hit a moving target.

The visual is creepy, putting what looks like brown worms that are constantly wriggling in and out of the victim.

Skill Rank Table

  • Rank 1: Hands reach out from the ground attacking all enemies within 8 yards of the targeted location. Cost: 12 mana.
  • Rank 2: Hands reach out from the ground attacking all enemies within 8 yards of the targeted location. Cost: 12 mana. (A)
  • Rank 3: Hands reach out from the ground attacking all enemies within 8 yards of the targeted location. Cost: 12 mana. (A)
  • Rank 4: Hands reach out from the ground attacking all enemies within 8 yards of the targeted location. Cost: 12 mana. (A)
  • Rank 5: Hands reach out from the ground attacking all enemies within 8 yards of the targeted location. Cost: 12 mana. (A)

(A) = Assumed

Trait Synergies

Skill Rune Effects

  • No rune effects for Grasp of the Dead are known.


Grasp of the Dead was first listed in the BlizzCon 2009 gameplay demo at Tier III in the Zombie Skill Tree, but it had not yet been implemented.

This skill was present on the pre-made Witch Doctor in the Blizzcon 2010 Arena, and was shown to be quite effective. Flux wrote about it in his length PvP hands-on report:[1]

A very powerful curse, this one greatly slowed the enemy, as well as afflicting them with a sort of worming, brown, burning graphic. It’s actively unpleasant to see this on your character; you actually feel like they’re being eaten alive. And you can’t even run from it properly, in your slow motion cursed state. Hard to hit a moving target with this one since the radius of effect was very small, but hugely useful if you managed it.


You can find pictures in the Diablo III screenshot and picture gallery:
