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Weapon Throw

Revision as of 00:03, 31 January 2011 by MrFrye (talk | contribs) (skill page consistancy)

Weapon Throw is a tier 2 skill, unlocked for the Barbarian at character level 3. The Barbarian hurls a weapon, damaging the target and slowing its speed.



Diablo III Skill [e]
Diablo III Logo.jpg
Weapon Throw

Active, 5 ranks

Used by: Barbarian
Skill Description:
Hurl your weapon at your foes, causing W-X Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to Y% their normal movement speed for Z seconds
Skill Details:
Type: Direct Damage
Quantity: Cast
Effect: Target
School: Physical
Fury cost: Unknown
Cast time: None
Duration: None
Cooldown: None
Synergies: None
Requires: N/A
Prereq of: N/A

The Barbarian hurls his weapon at an enemy, maiming the target.

Skill Design

This skill, without runes, causes the barbarian to throw ethereal-looking weapons of various types at the targeted enemy, causing damage and slowing them. The weapons seem to be selected randomly from a pool of possibilities.

Skill Rank Table

  • Rank 1: The Barbarian hurls a weapon at his foes, causing 14-20 Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to 75% their normal movement speed for 6 seconds.
  • Rank 2: The Barbarian hurls a weapon at his foes, causing 18-24 Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to 75% their normal movement speed for 7 seconds. (A)
  • Rank 3: The Barbarian hurls a weapon at his foes, causing 22-28 Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to 75% their normal movement speed for 8 seconds. (A)
  • Rank 4: The Barbarian hurls a weapon at his foes, causing 26-32 Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to 75% their normal movement speed for 9 seconds. (A)
  • Rank 5: The Barbarian hurls a weapon at his foes, causing 30-36 Physical damage to the target. Also slows the target to 75% their normal movement speed for 10 seconds. (A)

(A) = Assumed

Trait Synergies

The Barbarian trait, Pig Sticker adds damage when using Weapon Throw, and should be invested in by any Barbarian who plans to use this skill.

Skill Rune Effects

The runes for Weapon Throw were discussed at BlizzCon 2010. Wyatt Cheng narrated a short video of them in action[1]:

Here we have a skill for the Barbarian called Weapon Throw , allows him to throw a big weapon and this is the Crimson Rune, it just adds more damage, makes Weapon Throw a kind of one shot skill and then another (Obsidian) that let's you throw a hammer that stuns characters which is great for PvP. Another ( Alabaster ) that causes confusion which is a good crowd control version and then we have one (Indigo rune) that ricochets which is good for AoE . Then we thought it would be really cool for the Barbarian to have an ability to throw a corpse (Golden Rune).

With that said, the rune effects for weapon throw are as follows:


In the previous skill system iteration, there were three trees and skills had dependencies, much like in Diablo II. However, as of BlizzCon 2010 that changed. The Weapon Throw skill used to require points spent into Inspiration, which was a new skill in BlizzCon 2009. Currently (October, 2010) this is not the case.


You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery.
