Rituals (trait) - Diablo Wiki
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Rituals (trait)

Revision as of 13:35, 16 November 2010 by Flux (talk | contribs)

Rituals is a trait of the Witch Doctor. It increases spell damage by a percentage of the character's Vitality.

Prior to the traits switch over in 2010, there was a passive skill of the same name and very similar properties.

Rituals Properties


  • Clvl Req: 19
  • Description: Increases spell damage by a percentage of your Vitality.
  • Max points: 5
    • Rank One: Spell damage increased by +10% of your Vitality.
    • Rank Two: Unknown.
    • Rank Three: Unknown.
    • Rank Four: Unknown.
    • Rank Five: Unknown.
  • Lore: Not yet known.


This is a Witch Doctor-only trait.


None known.