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Witch Doctor skill archive

Revision as of 16:57, 1 September 2009 by Leord (talk | contribs) (Created Article)
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The Witch Doctor skill archive consists of skills that once was in one of the game builds, but was later removed for one reason or another. Skills that stayed in the game with a new name are not found here, but should be available under both their old and new names in the wiki.

If you are looking for the current skills, here they are:

This section is currently in heavy editing, so we apologise some of it might not be accurate and/or make sense right now. Many skills here will still be in the game, only changed attributes or names.

Please note that Mana Globes currently are not in the game. Mana is instead gained from Health Globes.

See the skill article for further details on how the tier systems evolved, and the skill system in general.

<all old skills>