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Maghda, Leader of the Coven.

Maghda is the leader of the Coven, aligned with Belial in Diablo III. She appears as a boss in Act II.

Boss Abilities

Maghda is a rather passive boss, favoring summoning minions and firing off moths from the moths on her shoulders over getting her own hands dirty, unlike her master, Belial. Magdha has a limited amount of abilities:

  • Forcefield: At intervals, Maghda will cast a forcefield on herself, becoming invulnerable until the player deals with her thralls that she summons. Maghda is able to cast Moth Dust while invulnerable.
  • Summoning Ritual: Once her forcefield goes up, Maghda will summon three to four berserker thralls to attack the player. The thralls must be killed before her force field goes down.
  • Punish/Moth Dust: Similar to the Locust Swarm ability on the Witch Doctor, the moths on Maghda's shoulders will excrete a blue-green cloud of killer insects to attack the player. "Moth Dust" is the ability when she does it at range, and it is a slow-moving projectile. "Punish" is when the cloud is at her feet, in melee range, doing AoE damage.
  • Teleport - This ability is precisely what would be expected, identical to the teleport spell found on the Wizard.

Post-Release Changes

Magda was lightly modified in the v1.0.4 patch.[1]

Magda Abilities
  • Insect Swarm
    • Projectiles can now be slowed


No early concept art of Magda has been released, but artwork of her being digitally painted gives a better look at her in an artistic sense.

Maghda's Stats Per Difficulty
Difficulty Max. Health Min. Damage Damage Delta Run Speed Level
Normal 1,860 111 67 0.431 18
Nightmare 28,977 1,090 654 0.455 39
Hell 182,395 6,970 4,182 0.479 55
Inferno 1,052,263 66,008 39,605 0.503 62

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