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57 bytes added, 22:23, 17 July 2012
Fallen Queen?
[[File:Mon-fallen-queen1.jpg|center|thumb|800px|Fallen silhouettes. Unidentified blob in the centre?]]
[[File:Blood-clan-sorcerer1.JPG|thumb|Khazra Occultist]].
Many fans assumed it represented a "[[Fallen Queen]]" since there have long been joking references made to "where do all the little Fallen come from if they're all male?" However, the only monster who seems to match that silhouette in the final game is the [[Blood Clan Occultist]], who is not a Fallen but a type of [[Khazra]] (Goatman).
[[File:Fallen-queen-concept1.png|center|thumb|500px|Fallen Queen (?) concept art.]]
===Additional Fallen Types Teased===