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Diablo, the Lord of Terror

Revision as of 17:42, 1 May 2013 by Elly (talk | contribs)
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Diablo, the Lord of Terror can be found in Cain's Lost Satchel which are located around Act II. You do not need to be on any particular quest for the Satchels or this entry to appear.

Only one of your characters needs to find the journal for you to be credited with it.

To find out which journals you have found so far go to your Achievements list (press Y) and check:

  • Campaign > Act II > Judge of Character

Found in Cain's Lost Satchel at various points in Act II..[e]
Part Text Found on Quest
1 Diablo was the youngest of the Prime Evils, but I found him the most dangerous, for his power over terror left him incapable of feeling fear. Though he had easily possessed and corrupted many humans, Diablo's essence was finally trapped in a soulstone and banished to the unfathomable Abyss twenty years ago. -- Deckard Cain Any

Associated AchievementsEdit

Diablo, the Lord of Terror is in some way involved in the following achievement(s).

Name Points Description Banner
<achievement type="single">Judge of Character</achievement>