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Revision as of 12:36, 18 November 2010

A Battle Mage is a variant, a caster-type character who goes with heavy armor and a melee weapon and fights the enemies toe-to-toe. This sort of character build is created by players who want a challenge, or just some variety in their gaming. It generally takes a very specialized character design, with unusual skills and stats, along with special equipment selected for the purpose.

Battle Witch Doctor

There are not any Witch Doctor skills or Witch Doctor traits specifically designed for a melee style WD. It may still be possible, with special equipment, but the developers don't seem to have included that sort of build in their plans. Players will surely find some skills and traits that lend themselves to it, all the same.

Battle Wizard

Unlike the Witch Doctor, the Wizard clearly received some Battle Mage skills and traits in the class design. These are abilities that may be of use to regular spell-casting Wizards, but that will clearly work in a special fashion for melee builds.

Wizard Skills: A few of obvious utility for a Battle Mage.

  • Ice Armor -- Increases the Wizard's Armor and freezes (+cold damage) melee attackers.
  • Diamond Skin -- Absorbs all damage for a limited duration.
  • Magic Weapon -- Imbues the Wizard's weapon with magical energy, granting increased damage. (Unknown runestone effects, but imagine multiple hits, elemental damage, +damage, and more.)

Wizard Traits: A few of obvious utility for a Battle Mage.

Some interesting combinations can be achieved with these options.

For defense, Ice Armor (skill) will be mandatory, for the +Armor and the cold damage/freezing attackers. Prismatic Cloak (trait) and Conjured Armor (trait) both boost the defense of Ice Armor, and then Black Ice (trait) causes frozen targets to take more damage. So Ice Armor will greatly boost the Wizard's defense, and the monsters that do get in hits will be frozen, making them ripe for the kill thanks to Black Ice.

For offense, a Wizard using Magic Weapon, enhanced by the Intimidation and Weapon Master, plus the unknown Runestone bonuses, would be potentially quite effective. Not as powerful as a Wizard using spells in the normal caster style, but that's not the point of a Battle Mage. The object is to be effective with an unusual build, and it seems quite doable, even judging from this early information.