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Legendary Affixes

148 bytes added, 02:27, 1 October 2014
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* {{c_orange|When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 100% of maximum Life and resources. <br>This item is destroyed in the process.}}
When losing all [[Life]], you are instead brought back to maximum life and resources. The amulet breaks after being activated. Recommended for use with Hardcore characters
[[Countess Julia's Cameo]]
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Arcane damage taken and heal yourself for <br>20–25% of the amount prevented.}}
Grants immunity to [[Arcane ]] damage, and allows for you to be healed by Arcane sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Arcane Enchanted]] effects
* {{c_orange|Increases duration of Stun effects by 20–25%.}}
Increases the duration that [[Stun ]] affects enemies. Effective for locking down targets or Stun-based builds
[[Golden Gorget of Leoric]]
* {{c_orange|After earning a massacre bonus, 4-6 Skeletons <br>are summoned to fight by your side for 10 seconds.}}
Summons Skeletons after a [[Massacre Bonus]]. These count as pets, which are enhanced by buffs for pets
* {{c_orange|Summons shadow clones to your aid when you Stun an enemy. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.}}
Summons shadow clones of yourself when an enemy is stunned[[Stun|Stunned]]. These count as pets, which are enhanced by buffs for pets
[[Mara's Kaleidoscope]]
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Poison damage taken and heal yourself for <br>10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
Grants immunity to Poison damage, and allows for you to be healed by Poison sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Poison Enchanted]] and [[Plagued]] effects
* {{c_orange|Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, <br>the enemy takes 35% more damage.}}
When hitting an enemy, has a chance to [[Charm ]] the enemy to fight for you. Also increases damage dealt to the enemy for the duration of the Charm
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Cold damage taken and heal yourself <br>for 10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
Grants immunity to [[Cold ]] damage, and allows for you to be healed by Cold sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Frozen]] and [[Frozen Pulse]] effects
* {{c_orange|Chance on hit to pull in enemies toward your <br>target and Slow them by 60–80%.}}
When hitting an enemy, has a chance to pull enemies in and [[Slow ]] them. Effective with tanking builds or high damage builds that require enemies to be near you. Can also eliminate the need to utilize pull effect Runes on skills
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Lightning damage taken and heal yourself <br>for 10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
Grants immunity to [[Fire ]] damage, and allows for you to be healed by Fire sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Electrified]] effects and [[Orbiter]] effects
* {{c_orange|Taking Fire damage restores your primary resource.}}
When taking [[Fire ]] damage, your primary resource is restored
* {{c_orange|Enemies slain while Feared die in a bloody explosion and cause other nearby enemies to flee in Fear.}}
When an enemy is killed while [[Fear|Feared]], they release an explosion dealing ~200% weapon damage to other nearby enemies and Fear enemies that are damaged. Not effective vs Elite monsters
* {{c_orange|Gain 45–60% increased movement speed for 4 seconds after Fearing an enemy.}}
When an enemy is [[Fear|Feared]], gives you a significant [[Movement Speed]] bonus. Useful in Fear-based builds. Not effective vs Elite monster.
* {{c_orange|All damage taken is split between wearers of this item.}}
Splits all damage dealt to wearers of Unity amongst all wearers of Unity. Combines extremely well when used with a [[Follower]] that has [[Smoking Thurible]], [[Skeleton Key]], or [[Enchanting Favor]] equipped. Also effective when [[Socket|Socketed]] with [[Moratorium]], assuming enemies can be quickly killed.