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12 bytes added, 19:23, 7 September 2012
Blizzcast #8
The question came up again six months later, in April 2009. Jay's answer indicates that the team hasn't done any work on the issue since last October. The questions were submitted by fans, and relayed to Jay by Blizzard Community Manager, Bornakk.
<blue><font color="#FFFFFF">Will shrines be making a return to the world of Sanctuary in Diablo 3?</font><br>
<b>Jay Wilson:</b> Well there are some aspects of shrines that we liked, experience shrines I think are probably the prime example everyone uses. They're fun because they drive the player forward. Monster shrines are sometimes fun because they bring out a rare that you didn’t know or weren't expecting that could come from any direction and that's cool.
<font color="#FFFFFF">Stamina shrine?</font><br>
Jay Wilson: Yeah, stamina shrine lets you run a long time. Skill shrine made you a little bit more powerful. We feel like we can take the best and put them within actual events that are a lot more fun and have a lot more gameplay to them.</blue>