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671 bytes added, 16:38, 17 November 2008
The bones of truly powerful individuals still retain some part of their essence, and also some of their old power. It's harder to corrupt the truly good or independent, but the effort will at the same time produce even more powerful servants. Using the bones of a deceased [[sorcerer]] makes it easier to create spellcasting undead horrors. They can also be induced with the capability to summon skeletons themselves, making [[Skeletal Summoners]] truly dangerous. They are more powerful and they attain a higher level of intelligence, making it possible for him or her able to replenish the ranks even in the field.
Bones of extraordinary men and women can also be infinitely more powerful than the regular skeleton, and retain a significant portion of their own personality and memories, if not all of them. An example is [[King Leoric]], who was reanimated by the [[Lord of Terror]] himself, as he was not able to overtake his mind completely. Diablo still managed to corrupt Leoric's mind, which is the source of the madness he retained as an [[undead]]. Due to the power of Leoric as an entity, even defeated it was possible to summon him again, 20 years later (in [[Diablo III]]). The amount of power needed to permanently displace his spirit from this realm will be significant.