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230 bytes added, 02:01, 1 March 2011
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Battle Arenas were unveiled at Blizzcon 2010. They are a specialized game type, available only over [[]], in which players can engage in PvP combat in a controlled, regulated environment.
Arenas exist solely for PvP play, generally in 2v2 or 3v3 teams. They are not part of the normal PvM game and there are no monsters or items to find in the Arenas. (Though these are possible additions for future Arena game modes.) There are no NPC merchants in Arena games. <ref>[ Crafting Sanctuary Panel Q&A, Blizzcon Blizzcon 2010] -, October 26, 2010</ref>
The developers have repeatedly stressed that the PvP and PvM games are entirely separate in Diablo III, and that if any skills need to be tweaked to make Arena more competitive, this will not affect the same skill in the PvM game. (This was a major complaint about World of Warcraft's PvP, that skills had to be nerfed in PvM when they were tweaked in PvP.)