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Long Reach

702 bytes added, 16:35, 29 January 2011
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'''Long Reach''' is a [[Tier]] 1 [[skill]], which requires a [[clvl]] of 2. This is a [[combo]] skill.<br>The Monk hits several enemies at once in short range.
Using this skill the Monk is able to hit multiple enemies with each attack, providing they are within fairly close range.
==Skill Design==
This [[skill]] first appeared at [[BlizzCon 2010]]. There are currently no visuals available for the skill, but a player report by ExtraCrispy described it in some detail. [] ::The first attack was an arm sweep that sent out a little orange shockwave in a linear path. The second attack was a roundhouse kick that fired a longer, golden shockwave, and the final attack was a backflip that made a ghostly image of a spearman. I imagine it was for keeping enemies away and hitting multiple foes with one attack. I used it more than [[Hands of Lightning]] because there was no reports on delay between the click and the first attack, which made it from demo playersmuch more pleasant to use.  ::It seemed like the maximum reach was revealed in about 3 character lengths away from the skill treemonk