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778 bytes added, 04:49, 15 October 2010
Easy Game Creation
In D3 there is no more party system, since the hostility option has been removed. (There will be dueling and [[PvP]] in special games for that purpose, but it's not going to be an option in regular, [[PvM]] games.) The D3 Team found that it was pointless to have a additional party system menu with invitations and joining required, so they simply removed that option. All players in the same PvM game in D3 are in the same party, by default.
==Chat Channels for Diablo III==
Blizzard intended to phase chat channels out of with their newer games, starting with Starcraft 2. They did not include chat channels in the design, and resisted adding them until continuous player requests wore them down. Chat channels were not supported during the beta or upon launch in July, but by October 2010 they were said to be well under development and due to be added in the future. There's no guarantee they'll be enabled for Diablo III, but if fans demand it they probably will.[]
::'''Bashiok:''' Regarding chat channels, they weren't a launch feature but are indeed coming, and the tech will be there and waiting for Diablo III, I'm sure.
::'''''IGN: '''It's the situation I had with Diablo 2, I would be seeing "Cows 555 Go Go Go" or "Cows 666 Go Go Go" over and over again. Diablo 3 will remove the need to make that kind of hackneyed solution?
::''Jay Wilson:''' We definitely want to do that. It's not in the game, so this is not a promise, but I can tell you that my desire for that is that you just be able to hit Escape, menu comes up, and you can say, I want to redo what we just did. I want to replay this part of the game, restart my game essentially, with all the same people. And I just get a confirmation thing, hey, you want to? If they say yes, we go, and if they say no, they stay in that same game. Somewhere a programmer's heart exploded, but that's our intent, that you shouldn't have to have this really convoluted way to replay content. One of the other things that we'd really like to focus on is, that the endgame not actually force you…well, it doesn't force you, it's your choice, but not make the most advantageous way to play be to do the same thing over and over again.    
==Maximum Party Size==