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Fanmade:Martial Arts Skill Tree

54 bytes added, 19:14, 11 October 2009
no edit summary
* '''Lethal strike (Palm strike)'''
An incredibly strong strike with palm in the chest of the enemy. The Dragon Warrior draws a circle with his hand and wings it to the enemy’s chest. The effect is destructive. The opponent is knocked out dead or almost dead. When the enemy is armored the effect is not that destructive. Adding points to this skill will increase the damage.
Addnig points to this skill increase the damage and thechance to make a critical strike.
* '''Boxing'''
A fast combo of fists and elbows that pushes the enemy back (and maybe stuns him). When the enemies are more than one the blows are divided to each of them (like Zeal attack but with fists and elbows).
Adding points to this skill increase the damage, the chance to hit and the count of blows.
* '''Kick Combo'''
The Dragon Warrior does a combo of mawashies (spinned kick) scissors kicks and butterfly kicks that beats the enemies back and stuns them (something like Zeal attack with kicks). The enemies that are struck and are lower level are knocked out. The maximum count of kicks is 8. When there is a single enemy the kicks are three or five.
Adding points to this skill increrase the damage, the chance to hit, the stun duration and the count of kicks.
* '''Mawashi (Mavashi)'''
A strong kick that knocks the enemy and stuns him for a long time. The Dragon Warrior spins and kicks the enemy’s head.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage, the chance to hit and the stun duration.
* '''Tiger Teeth'''
The Dragon Warrior jumps with his feet towards the enemy’s head, he wedges it in between them and spins in the air braking the opponent’s neck. This move was shown in The Matrix Reloaded when Morpheus fought an agent on the top of a truck.
Adding points to this skill wil increase the damage and the chance to grab the enemy so he doesn't dodge your attack.
* '''Deer Jump'''
The Dragon Warrior jumps high in the air, does some stunts (like the fighters from Mortal Kombat) and hits the enemy with his feet. The enemy is knocked out and stunned. When there is no target the warrior just jumps to the new location. The length of the jump depends on the skill level. This skill is different from the Barbarian skill Leap attack because the warrior strikes with his feet and does not hurt more than one enemy.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage, the chance to hit and the lenght of the jump.
* '''Cobra Strike'''
A lightning fast strike with fingertips in the enemy’s throat. It makes him stop moving and he chokes for a while. It can cause the weaker enemy’s death. This skill is available to living humanoid creatures only.
Adding points to this skill will increrase the damage, the critical blow chance ant the choke duration of the enemy.
* '''Paralyse'''
This move was shown in the Tiger and Dragon movie when the murderer Jade Fox paralysed one of her enemies by touching several lymph nodes on his chest. The skill looks the same way, but there are red sparkles when the hand touches the body. Then the enemy is paralysed for a limited time - he freezes in the middle of his movement. After paralysing your foe, the chance to make critical hit with the next blow, increases dramatically. Some enemies like Undead and non-humanoid creatures are not affected by Paralyse. Let's be realists. Also some enemies that are higher level will also not be affected, so add points to the skill.
Adding points to this skill increases the duration of paralyse, the chance to make critical strike and the chance to affect higher level enemies.
* '''Meditation'''
This skill works like Flask Up in WOW. When activated, the warrior sits on the ground and meditates. The meditation lasts 25 seconds and if you interrupt it with moving or attacking, you won't get bonuses and will have to do it all over again. The bonuses from Meditation after you complete it are: increased Damage and Defence, boosted Dexterity, Life and Mana, and also increased chance to make critical strike. You get these bonuses for 25 minutes.
When in a party with other players: everyone gets close to the Dragon Warrior /the area of effect is small/ and he casts the spell. Everyone sits on the ground and meditates. When the Meditation is complete small white sparkles start dancing around your character's body - the indication for Meditation bonuses.
Adding points to this skill increase the Damage, Defence, Dexterity, Life, Mana and chance to make critical strike - the bonus attributes.