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Diablo: The Kingdom of Shadow

363 bytes added, 01:02, 15 September 2009
no edit summary
Zayl used his ivory dagger to awaken Kentril. He had blacked out for two days and a half. Kentril had broken ribs and a shoulder, but he wanted to leave the city. Zayl took him to their former camp, and from there they would travel to Zayl's people for proper healing. As they looked back to Ureh, Kentril said it was better to forget about Ureh forever. Nevertheless, hidden from Zayl's view, Kentril put the brooch with Atanna's portrait in his bag.
[[Kentril Dumon]]
[[Quov Tsin]]
[[Lord Juris Khan]]
[[Princess Atanna]]
[[Humbart Wessel]]
[[Gregus Mazi]]
[[Priest Tobio]]
[[Archangel Mirakodus]]
[[Harkin Khan]]
[[Zular Khan]]