Morlu Caster
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The Morlu are undead warriors of a special elite infantry serving Lucion and the Triune. They were first mentioned in the Sin War Trology, and also seen in the Monk's intro cinematic movie as a caster.
There appears to be a concept art of a Morlu Berserker, though the identification of that monster remains tentative.
[hide]Diablo III Monster[edit | edit source]
Diablo III Monster [e] | |
![]() | |
Morlu Caster | |
Classification: | Demons |
Monster Family: | Cultist ? |
Role: | Offensive Caster |
Monster Stats Norm/Night/Hell/Inferno
| |
Life: | Unknown |
Mana: | Unknown |
Armor: | Unknown |
Resistance: | Unknown |
Offence Norm/Night/Hell/Inferno
| |
Armament: | Wand |
DPS: | Unknown |
Low Damage: | Unknown |
High Damage: | Unknown |
Range: | Melee |
Speed: | Unknown |
Movement: | Unknown |
Meteor Storm (?) | |
The Morlu Caster has only been seen in concept art and in the Monk's cinematic movie, so they are known more by potential than by actuality. The monster is definitely a humanoid and by apparently looks like a higher level version of the various Dark Cultist mages. Morlu is the monster type, and "Caster" is his role/occupation. We might see "Morlu Warriors" or some other Morlu type units -- or this particular demonic mage might be a one-off who has a fancier name than most.
Since they are undead elite warriors (reading the Sin War Trology), we know these will likely either be just elite troops, or perhaps bosses, the lot of them.
Morlu Casters are unknown in the game, so their behavior can only be predicted by how this one behaves in the Monk cinematic movie. There it launches a Fireball, which seems a very probable skill. Less likely is the ability to leap high into the sky and vanish, leaving behind a barrage of falling Meteor Storm, but such a power is not out of the question for a late game enemy.
That the monster will wear a robed disguise and pretend to be your friend seems highly unlikely, though.
Spells and Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Fireball
- Meteor Storm (?)
- Melee Charging Strike?
Known Cultist Types[edit | edit source]
It's assumed that Morlu Casters are the highest level of Cultists, but this remains speculative until more information is released. They associate with melee fighter Cultists in the Monk Cinematic, but only indirectly, and the Morlu Caster's appearance is very stylized and snazzy while being killed by the Monk; not much like the basic mutated human in purple that the other types of Cultist effect.
- Cultist
- Dark Demon (summoned)
- Dark Vessel
- Berserker
Related Monsters[edit | edit source]
The Monk Cinematic[edit | edit source]
The Morlu Caster was first seen in a starring role in the Monk's intro cinematic movie. The Morlu Caster is the robed human who pretends to befriend the Monk and lead him to Alcarnus, before revealing his true demonic nature and attacking the Monk with powerful melee and magical attacks.
It's not known how much of the Morlu Caster's behavior in the cinematic will show up in the game. He casts a very impressive flying Meteor Strike type spell, as well as demonstrating high defense and a staff-breaking charge attack -- these may all be special effects added just to spice up the Monk's movie, or some/all of them might be abilities the Morlu Caster actually possesses in the game. (Though the staff-breaking strike is surely just for the movie, since D3 weapons don't even have durability, much less the potential to break entirely.)
It's generally assumed that the in-game version of this monster will be just another monster mage, without any of the mini-boss super powers seen in the cinematic.
Famous Monsters[edit | edit source]
It's not known if the Morlu Caster seen in the Monk cinematic is a named Super Unique we'll see in the final game, or was just something the movie guys created for the cinematic. In any event, the Morlu Caster's starring role in the Monk's introductory movie earns him some fame, at least.
Background[edit | edit source]
These heavy undead warrior elite troops are completely consumed by bloodlust and lust for battle that they can turn upon themselves when not employed in warfare. They are tall humanoids in heavy armor and have ram skulls as helmets.
During the Sin War they were described as resembling humans in appearance, but with eyes looking like black pits filled with a reddish glow, emanating hatred.
Hidden underneath the Temple of the Triune, the Morlu would continuously fight each other until they died, at which point a demonic artifact known as the Kiss of Mephisto would resurrect it. Everyone of them had fought and died at least a dozen times. They were more than fanatical - they lived and breathed (well, not literary) the essence and desires of the Lord of Hatred.
The Morly is exceedingly hard to slay. They continue to rise and fight regardless of weapon damage dealt to them. The only way to defeat one is to remove their head, at which point their life force is dissipating. They would still be alive without head for quite a while, but unless the head is recovered, it will collapse eventually (they work similar to other undead, but focus is on the head).
Spells designated to extinguish unlife and banishing undead are still effective against them. During the Sin Wars, Mendeln drained them of life force to prevent further resurrections, letting the former (assumed) humans rest in peace.
Morlu in Modern Days[edit | edit source]
Since the Triune seems to be on the return, its new masters must have had something against these dark pits of hatred as the Morlu Casters, at least, now have an additional plate spiked across their face and horn helmet with Teeth of Diablo.
This could also indicate the Morlu in fact are the new "priests" of the Triune, since many humans have been seen with Teeth of Diablo lodged into them, even mentioned by Abd al-Hazir in his 42nd and last entry.
Development[edit | edit source]
There was no apparent introduction to the Morlu like there has been to many other monsters by Blizzard, but during the BlizzCon 2009 introduction of the Monk, we see an epic machinima fight between the martial artist and a Morlu Caster.
Media[edit | edit source]
There are no screenshots yet, but the Morlu Caster appears all throughout the Monk's Cinematic movie, and is also seen in one piece of concept art.
Monk kicking Morlu's ass.
References[edit | edit source]
Monsters of Diablo III[e] Beasts Beasts: Superunique Demons Demons: Superunique Humans Humans: Superunique Undead Undead: Superunique Objects Bosses Boss Mods Monster Info Fanmade |
Demons |
Armored Destroyer - Dark Berserker - Deceiver - Fallen - Ghoul - Hellion - Thrall |