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Tomb Viper

116 bytes added, 12:26, 2 March 2012
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Crawling through Nagas are serpent men clearly inspired by the [[Lost Ruins]] {{iw|Claw_Viper Claw Vipers}} first encountered in Diablo II. Thus far they have only been seen in the desert tombs and desert oases of Act Two, though it's likely they will inhabit some of the [[Borderlands]]other acts in Diablo III. While they are primarily melee attackers, Tomb Vipers wielding massive tridents and their relatives, the [[Serpent Magus]]attacking with stabbing motions, they have an invisibility trick to lie in wait for foolish adventurers to enter their dark domain. These serpent, as well as a Nova-men are similar in appearance and behavior to the various Claw Vipers of Diablo IIlike lightning attack
== Diablo III Monster ==
|modifier= None
<!-- Spells -->
|spells= Invisibilty<br>Nova Circle|found= [[Borderlands]]Desert Tombs, Desert Oases
==Viper Abilities==
[[File:MonNaga-viper4nova1.jpg|left|thumb|250px300px|Mixed mob of vipersNaga Nova, in an Act Two desert oasis.]]The vipers in Diablo 3 are purely primarily melee attackers. None of them have been seen using the charging attacks they exhibited in Diablo 1 and Diablo 2, but they may still possess these. They do have one confirmed new ability; a sort of cloaking device that lets them become invisible as long as they remain motionless. This was only "seen" during the Blizzcon demo when they were first found; a level would appear to be open and clear, and other abilities as a character ran through it the Vipers would appear once they began to move, when the character was in very close proximitywell.
Vipers are tangible while The most often used is an ability to wait, invisible; at times they would remain hidden , until a player ran hero comes into themrange. Literally; characters would hit Players "saw" this when first encountering the Naga in the tombs below the desert surface in Act Two, during the [[BlizzCon 2009]] PvE demo. A common player experience was to find invisible obstacles and find objects in their progress blocked while moving path through one the tombs, sometimes to the point of entirely blocking the desert tombsway through a narrow chokepoint, and such as a stairway. Only after a second or two would the cause of the delay would become evident when several Tomb Vipers appearedappear, in very close proximity to usually around half a dozen at once, all surrounding the characterhero.
In the Blizzcon Diablo 3 Panel part 3 video around the 3:47 markAnother ability has been seen in a few screenshots and gameplay movies, as certain Vipers cast a Nova-like circular ring of lightning. It's not known if this is a boss ability, if there are certain Naga Shamans with this talent, tomb vipers have or if all the ability to appear as humansNaga of some particular type can do it.
The various types of Vipers in Diablo 3 were first seen at [[BlizzCon 2009]] and in assorted media. They were found in all of the desert tombs below Act II in that build, and can be seen in numerous screenshots and gameplay movies from the show.