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8 bytes added, 19:49, 13 May 2011
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When a follower is incapacitated, they will revive after a short time on their own, or the player can revive them by standing above them and waking them up. The process of waking them up leaves the player vulnerable to attack, so it will be best to revive them when there aren't any enemies in the vicinity. While the follower is incapacitated, the player will not receive any bonuses that originate from them.
Followers cannot be healed by [[health potion]]spotions, although they can benefit from [[health globe]]s.
The function of a mercenary in Diablo II was a permanent helper that would scale with their level. Upon release of the expansion pack, Lord of Destruction, mercs gained a lot of power, particularly due to [[dupe]]d [[runeword]] items. Many [[Magic Find| MF]] characters relied on mercs for defense and damage.
This will not be the case with followers. The design philosphy for the follower differs drastically, where the dev team has stated that they want the followers to be a sort of introduction to co-op multiplayer. [[Bashiok]] expands on this idea[]: