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Health Globe

2 bytes added, 11:56, 7 January 2011
The first Health Globe was shown at [[WWI 2008]] with the announcement of [[Diablo III]] and the [[Barbarian]]/[[Witch Doctor]]. It was originally just a floating red "blob", but has since received a graphics update (as of [[BlizzCon 2008]]) with a little golden crown on the top and bottom.
By [[BlizzCon 2009]], the mechanics of the globe had been changed slightly as well (with the disappearance of [[Mana Globe]]s). In the [[BlizzCon 2009]] build, health globes gave [[mana]] to [[Wizard]]s using the [[Stability Control]] skill. [[Stability Control]] was removed from the game prior to Blizzcon 2010.
In January 2010, the Wizard got a confirmed new [[resource pool]] known only as [[instability]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Monk Mana Resource System Progressing |author=[[Flux]] |date=2010-01-05}}</ref> [[Instability]] has since been removed and replaced with [[Arcane Power]]. The [[Witch Doctor]], however, might still be able to benefit from Health Globes when recuperating mana.