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WWI 2008: D3 Lore and Environmental Art Panel

2 bytes added, 23:11, 7 July 2008
Strong silhouettes
These serves multiple purposes in the environment. The biggest is that they support the game play very well. When you open up gameplay and use larger shapes to define your gaming world, it actually allows for more creatures on screen. And that's really the important thing for us. get as many on there at once so players can you kill as fast as possible. That's what Diablo is about it's and our job to support that.
Also strong silhouettes ad add to the epic feel. When you crate create large shapes, large bricks, walls wiht interesting silhouettes, it makes the universe more of a fantasy land. Look around real life; like this convention hall, everything is very straight and 90 degree angular. We try to avoid that in the game. In game world we want to transport you to a different location and really represent ourselves as a fantasy realm. It’s important to remain grounded in reality; we have walls that go up and down in straight lines; but within that wall we have bricks that stick out, railings at angles, and other things. It makes it more visually pleasing and supports gameplay by opening up space.