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WWI 2008: D3 Lore and Environmental Art Panel

17 bytes added, 16:45, 7 July 2008
Specific story of Diablo 3
===Specific story of Diablo 3===
Takes place 20 years after events of Diablo 2, : Lord of Destruction. When that game ended with the destruction of the Worldstone, Cain was convinced that Hell would invade. Everyone thought Hell would invade once Tyrael destroyed worldstonethe Worldstone. Hell did notinvade, and no one knows why.
Cain feels guilty over events in the first 2 Diablo games. He was raised to know the lore and legends of the Horadrim, and he feels he should have know what was coming when he saw the signs of Diablo rising again. He could not have done anything about it, (and if he had we wouldn't have had a game), but that perceived failure is what drives Cain. He's been researching for twenty years to try to figure how he can help defeat the forces of Hell when they return.
Most people who lived through the key events during Diablo 2 are no longer alive. The game world is similar to the Middle Ages, when people were lucky to live to forty. Cain has been very, very lucky. The people who did survive the events of the last game were mostly heroes, or were common, normal people who were seldom able to deal with it. Regular individuals couldn't cope with the experience of seeing such evil face to face. Most went crazy, and if they still survive 20 years later, they are scattered and aimless. The general population didn't see it, and put those bizarre events behind them. The plot events of D2 Diablo 2 are now seen as myth and exaggeration by most people, which makes Cain's job that much harder.