Warrior's Rest

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Revision as of 11:43, 20 March 2015 by Chapapote (talk | contribs) (Monsters only spawning as minions of a rare monster)
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Are you looking for Warrior's Rest (lore) for the Historian of Tristram achievement?

Warriors Rest is a dungeon within the Festering Woods in Act I. The Broken Blade quest takes you into this tiny dungeon but there is no need to go here once the quest has been done.

Access to Levels

Common Monsters

Monsters only spawning as minions of a rare monster



The following Bounties can appear in Warrior's Rest when playing in Adventure Mode:

Lore Entries Found in Warrior's Rest


Checkpoints are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached. Players can also leave the game and resume at the last checkpoint at a later date. In effect they are a 'save game' feature. The following Checkpoints appear in Warrior's Rest

Associated Achievements

Warrior's Rest is in some way involved in the following achievement(s).

Name Points Description Banner
<achievement type="single">Field Work</achievement>
