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Nephalem Rifts are highly-randomized content, and are intended to be the most rewarding[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/travis-day-weighs-travis-day-weighs-in-on-reaper-of-souls-legendary-item-drop-rates][http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/blizzard-explains-the-25-legendary-drop-rate-in-nephalem-rifts][http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/huge-legendary-drop-rate-buffs-coming-rifts-gambling] (in terms of item gains) style of play in Reaper of Souls/. Rifts are mini-dungeons with from 1-10 levels. They are completely random in tilesets and monsters, and can offer combinations of levels and monsters that will never be seen elsewhere in the game.
Nephalem Rifts will be expanded upon by the [[Greater Rifts]], coming in [[Patch 2.1]], Reaper of Souls' first major content patch,[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/reaper-of-souls-new-tiered-rifts-the-devils-hand] due in Summer 2014. Greater Rifts are timed Nephalem Rifts with a new scaling difficulty system and greater rewards for players who are geared well enough to clear them in the time allowed. * See the [[Greater Rifts]] article for full details.