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Infernal Machine

417 bytes added, 16:13, 21 April 2014
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[[File:Icon portal device.png|left]][[File:Ros-infernal-hermits-shack1.jpg|thumb|350px|Portals in the Heretic's Abode.]]The Infernal Machine is an [[end game]] quest feature introduced into Diablo 3 in the [[v1.0.5 patch]]. This multi-stage event allows requires players to find [[keys]] from special [[Keywarden]] monsters. The keysare required to craft an Infernal Machine, which can be used to open red portals to special boss fights. Those dungeon areas where [[Ubers]], super powered versions of certain quest bosses can drop special monster organs, which can must be crafted into the legendary defeated. These Ubers have a chance (increasing with difficulty level) to drop a [[Hellfire RingDemonic Organ]].
This event is only functional on Inferno difficulty and is only viable for very strong characters. It's meant to provide Once a fun bonus late game feature for expert players, adding additional challenge and farming optionsplayer has collected all 3 demonic organs (4 in RoS) they can be crafted into a [[Hellfire Ring]] by the [[Jeweler]].
This event and all the materials required for it are [[Torment only]] and can not be glimpsed on lower difficulty levels. The basic actions required to obtain the keys and make the Infernal Machines are identical in Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls. RoS just adds a 4th key and a 4th Uber, upping the complexity slightly.
==Quick Summary==* Diablo 2's {{iw|Pandemonium_Event Pandemonium Event}} is the obvious inspiration for this [[end game]] event.
Here's a quick summary of the steps in this event. See the sections below for full details about everything related to the Infernal Machine.
# Obtain a key from each Keywarden and the ==Infernal Machine plan.Walkthrough== # Use the keys to open a red portal to one [[File:Infernal-machine-of the three Realms-war.# Slay jpg|thumb|350px|Crafting the special uber bosses in the Realm to earn one of the three demon organsMachine.]]# Craft all three organs into a Hellfire Ring.{{Template:Infernal machine walkthrough}}
Note that steps 1-3 must be repeated multiple times, since you must create at least three red portals to obtain all three demonic organs. Furthermore, unless you are playing on Monster Power 10, the keywardens do not always drop keys and the uber bosses do not always drop the demonic organs.
==Find the Keys and Plan==
The first stage in unlocking the Infernal Machine players have to gather 3 the keys and a plan from all four acts by killing the Key Wardens. (An even longer and more involved process than Diablo 2′s {{iw|Pandemonium_Event Pandemonium Event}}.)  The Keywardens appear four keywardens are located randomly somewhere in their designated areas only on Inferno difficulty. (They were found on all difficulties prior levels, and may require some searching to v1locate.08.) If a player has 5 stacks of Remember that this entire event is [[Nephalem ValorTorment-only]] and the keywardens '''''may''''' not appear on lower difficulty levels, and will never drop a keybelow Torment difficulty. The only way to increase the odds of a key dropping is to increase the level of [[Monster Power]]. <ref>[ Drop rate at MP0] - Blizzard CM, 17/10/12</ref> <ref>[ Innate drop rates equal] - Blizzard CM, 22/10/12</ref>
Key (and Demonic Organ) drop odds per Monster Power difficulty level:
* Monster Power 0[[Torment I]]: 525% * Monster Power 1[[Torment II]]: 1028% * Monster Power 2[[Torment III]]: 2033% * Monster Power 3[[Torment IV]]: 3038% * Monster Power 4[[Torment V]]: 4043% * Monster Power 5[[Torment VI]]: 50% * Monster Power 6: 60% * Monster Power 7: 70% * Monster Power 8: 80% * Monster Power 9: 90% * Monster Power 10: 100%
Prior to [[D3v2]] key and organ drop odds were 5% even on [[Normal]] difficulty, and could be raised all the way to 100% on [[Monster Power 10]].<ref>[ Drop rate at MP0] - Blizzard CM, 17/10/12</ref> <ref>[ Innate drop rates equal] - Blizzard CM, 22/10/12</ref> It was also necessary to have five stacks of [[Nephalem Valor]], though [[Magic Find]] does not increase did nothing to improve the chances of the keys droppingdrop odds.<ref>[ Magic Find effects] - Blizzard CM, 17/10/12</ref> though it does affect the other items the Keywardens drop, and they can be an excellent source of Rares or Legendaries.
The four keywardens and the planwarden are:
* The [[Key of Destruction]] will drop from [[Odeg the Keywarden]] in Act I - Fields of Misery.** '''D3''': The [[Key of Destruction]]. '''RoS''':
* The [[Key of Hate]] will drop from [[Sokahr the Keywarden]] in Act II - Dahlgur Oasis
* The [[Key of Terror]] will drop from [[Xah'Rith the Keywarden]] in Act III - Stonefort
* The Blacksmithing Plans and random keys will drop from [[Nekarat the Keywarden]] in Act IV - Silver Spire Level 1
File:Odeg.jpg|Odeg in Act One.
File:Sokahr the keywarden.jpg|Soharh in Act Two.
File:Xahrith.jpg|Xah'Right in Act Three.
File:Nekarat.jpg|Nekerat in Act Four.
The keys, plans, organs, and machines are all [[Bind to Account]] so must be collected by each player individually.
==Building the Infernal Machine==
[[File:Heretics abode door.jpg|thumb|200px|Doorway to Hell]] Once you have the three keys and the infernal machine plan visit the [[Blacksmith]]. He needs to be level 10 in Diablo 3 (Level 12 in RoS) to craft Infernal Machines. Take the IM into the Hermit's Shack and activate it there to open a red portal to one of the Realms.
===Diablo 3 Realms and Ubers===
In Diablo 3 there is only one kind of Infernal Machine and it opens a random portal. Players are advised to do 3 machines in the same game to be sure they get all three portals. Each Realm must be cleared out before the next portal can be opened.
* The [[Realm of Discord]]. Ubers: [[King Leoric]] and [[Maghda]]. May drop the [[Writhing Spine]].
* The [[Realm of Chaos]]. Ubers: [[Ghom]] and [[Rakanoth]]. May drop the [[Devil's Fang]].
* The [[Realm of Turmoil]]. Ubers: [[Siegebreaker_Assault_Beast|Siege Breaker]] and [[Zoltun Kulle]]. May drop the [[Vengeful Eye]].
===Reaper of Souls Infernal Machines===
In Reaper of Souls players can make 4 different types of Infernal Machines, each of which produces a known Portal, making it possible to hunt each Demonic Organ specifically.
* [[Infernal Machine of Bones]] > [[Realm of Discord]]. Ubers: [[Leoric]] and [[Maghda]], may drop [[Leoric's Regret]].
* [[Infernal Machine of War]] > [[Realm of Turmoil]]. Ubers: [[Siegebreaker]] and [[Zoltan Kulle]], may drop [[Idol of Terror]].
* [[Infernal Machine of Gluttony]] > [[Realm of Chaos]]. Ubers: [[Rakanoth]] and [[Ghom]], may drop [[Vial of Putridness]].
* [[Infernal Machine of Evil]] > [[Realm of Fright]]. Ubers: [[Uber Diablo]] + summons random Ubers, may drop [[Heart of Evil]].
{| class="wikitable"|-! Key of Destruction! Key of Hate|-| [[File:Odeg.jpg|400px]]| [[File:Sokahr the keywarden.jpg|400px]]|-| Odeg in the [[Fields of Misery]], Act 1| Sokahr in the [[Dahlgur Oasis]], Act 2|}=Hellfire Rings==
[[File:Hellfire-ring-effect2.JPG|thumb|300px|RoS HR lava lake proc.]]
The main perk of the Hellfire Ring is the substantial increase to [[Experience]] gain, and the goal for most players is to create a ring that's got decent stats as well, so they're not giving up too much DPS by using the Hellfire Ring instead of a Legendary or Rare ring. Followers can equip the Hellfire Ring as well, but just as with [[Magic Find]] and [[Gold Find]] on followers, they only share 20% of the bonus experience to the player. Thus a D3 Hellfire Ring on a Follower is worth 7% more Experience to the player, and a RoS HR is worth +9% Experience.
{| class="wikitable"|-! Key of Terror! Infernal Machine Plan|-* The HR is [[account bound]] and can not be sold or traded. | ** It can be [[File:Xahrith.jpg|400pxSalvaged]]| to destroy it and retrieve a [[Forgotten Soul]]. <ref>[Filehttp:Nekarat//diablo.incgamers.jpg|400pxcom/?p=179942 Salvaging the ring]]|-Blizzard CM, 05/10/12</ref>| Xah'Rith on the * The Hellfire Ring is [[Stonefortunique equipped]]so that each character can only wear one Hellfire Ring at a time, whether the D3 or the RoS type.** Initially during the RoS beta it was possible to wear an imported D3 version along with a new RoS version, Act 3but this was a bug.| Nekaret in ** Your Followers can wear one also, but not two.* There is no level requirement on the ring making it an ideal [[Silver Spiretwink]], . Any level 1, Act 4|}of character or Follower can wear one.
The Keys and Plan are Bind to Account so you can not trade for them. You can have more than 1 of each key at a time, but each key is consumed by the crafting process, so you will need multiple copies of each key to build the multiple Infernal Machines required to explore each portal area and gather all the materials required to craft the [[Hellfire Ring]].
==Building the Infernal Machine==
[[File==Diablo 3:Icon portal device.png|left]][[File:Heretics abode door.jpg|thumb|100px|Doorway to Hell]] Once you have the three keys and the infernal machine plan visit the [[Blacksmith]]. He needs to be level 10 to craft the machine recipe, and this costs 12,000 gold per craft. This creates a [[Portal Device]] which appears in your character's inventory and can be carried around until you decide to use it.Hellfire Ring==
To use the device join a game at [[File:Infernal-machine-plan.jpg|thumb|350px|Blacksmith plan to create the Act 1 quest [[Return to New TristramPortal Device]] ([ db]) and locate ][[Brother Malachi Squirt the Peddler]] sells the Healer[[Design]] in s that teach the north east Jeweler to craft Hellfire Rings. In Diablo 3 there are 4 Hellfire Rings, one for each type of Tristram[[attribute]] and each sells for two million gold. The house behind Purchase a plan and right click on it while interacting with the Jeweler to teach him has a boarded up door which is normally unclickablethat recipe. With the Portal Device his door will light up as clickable and lead into Crafting the [[Heretic's Abode]]ring costs another 50,000 gold.
Once you're inside the house, right click the Portal Device in your inventory. This spawns a red portal that will take you D3: Hellfire Ring:* Primary Affix:** +300-329 to one of the three special Realms where you must battle two Uber bosses at onceAttribute. (Varies by ring design. Upon death, one of them )* Secondary Affix: ** Increase Bonus experience by 35%*may4 random properties* drop the special monster organ which is required Legendary Property: Chance to craft the [[launch an explosive ball of Hellfire Ring]]when you attack.
As with The attribute bonus was +170-200 to one Attribute prior to the keywardens[[D3v2]] patch, you *must* have the maximum 5 stacks of Nephalem Valor active when you kill the bosses but that was prior to have any chance of earning their monster organ. AlsoPrimary/Secondary affixes, killing them on a higher setting of Monster Power will increase so all 4 random might roll the odds equivalent of getting the organ by 10% per Monster Level, with a 100% chance on the maximum Monster Level 10what are Primary affixes today.
Each realm contains two bosses you must fight at the same time. These bosses are all familiar monsters from elsewhere in the game, but in this battle they are greatly buffed in power and boast some new abilities. Blizzard estimates that they are approximately as difficult as Diablo himself, on Inferno difficulty.
* The [[Realm ==Reaper of Discord]] - [[King Leoric]] and [[Maghda]].* The [[Realm of Chaos]] - [[Ghom]] and [[Rakanoth]].* The [[Realm of Turmoil]] - [[Siegebreaker_Assault_Beast|Siege Breaker]] and [[Zoltun Kulle]].Souls: Hellfire Ring==
There is only one Hellfire Ring design in REaper of Souls, and the random affixes roll randomly, though [[Smart drop]] rules apply, so most rolls will net a big bonus to class' [[mainstat]].
* Primary Affixes:
** None
* Secondary affixes:
** Increases Bonus Experience by 45%
* Legendary property: Chance on hit to engulf the ground in lava, dealing 200% weapon damage per second for 6 seconds.
* +5 Random Affixes
The machine will only work once and open one portalRoS Hellfire Ring [[proc effect]] is a lava pool on the ground. To open another portal you need to reconstruct When the machine again, by collecting Hellfire Ring was first enabled during the three keysRoS Beta test, visiting the Blacksmith and paying him 12,000 gold to craft you another Infernal Machine deviceproc was a nova-like burst of fireballs.
==RewardsReaper of Souls Gallery==
The special uber bosses drop loot like normal elites, Screenshots showing various aspects of the Infernal Machine and also have a chance to drop the monster organs that are required to craft the Hellfire Ring. in Reaper of Souls
* The [[Writhing Spine]] drops <gallery>File:Ros-infernal-hermits-shack1.jpg|Four portals in the Heretic's Abode.File:Hellfire-ring-effect1.JPG|Lava Lake proc.File:Hellfire-ring-effect2.JPG|Lava Lake proc.File:Hellfire-ring-effect3.jpg||Lava Lake proc doesn't look so good on stairs.File:Hellfire-ring-ros-compare1.jpg||Hellfire Ring vs. a good rare ring.File:Hellfire-ring-ros-design.JPG|Buying the design from Squirt for 5m gold.File:Hellfire-ring-ros-fire-nova1.jpg|Ring of Fireballs proc, from [[King Leoric]] or [[Maghda]]the Beta.* The [[Devil's Fang]] drops File:Hellfire-ring-ros-fire-nova2.jpg|Ring of Fireballs proc, from [[Ghom]] or [[Rakanoth]]the Beta.File:Hellfire-ring-ros-plan.JPG|Hellfire Ring at the Jeweler.* The [[Vengeful Eye]] File:Key-of-evil1.JPG|Key of Evil drops from [[Siegebreaker_Assault_Beastin Act 4.File:Infernal-machine-of-war.jpg|Siege Breaker]] or [[Zoltun Kulle]]Infernal Machine recipes via the Blacksmith.</gallery>
As with the keys from the Wardens you need to have 5 stacks of [[Nephalem Valor]] and each level of [[Monster Power]] will give you a 10% chance to drop the item, so MP10 gives you a 100% chance to drop.
==The Hellfire Ring=Reaper of Souls Video=== From the RoS beta, two characters clearing all four Realms and creating the ring.<youtube>Vkti9bvSU4w</youtube>
[[File:Infernal-machine-plan.jpg|thumb|350px|Blacksmith plan to create the [[Portal Device]].]]
[[Squirt the Peddler]] sells the [[Design]]s that teach the Jeweler to craft Hellfire Rings. There are 4 such Designs, one for each type of [[attribute]] and each sells for two million gold. Purchase a plan and right click on it while interacting with the Jeweler to teach him that recipe.
To craft the ring a character must have 50,000 gold and one of each of the Demon Organs in their inventory.
He can craft one of four varieties of the ring where one of the affixes is guaranteed to spawn with +170-200 to a single attribute, either Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence or Vitality. The full ring stats are as follows:
* +170-200 to one Attribute.
* Increase Bonus experience by 35%
* Chance to launch an explosive ball of Hellfire when you attack.
* 4 random properties
The ring is account bound and therefore can not be sold or traded however it can be [[Salvaged]]. <ref>[ Salvaging the ring] - Blizzard CM, 05/10/12</ref>
* You can only wear one Hellfire Ring. Your Followers can wear one also.
* There is no level requirement on the ring so any of your characters can wear it.
The main perk of the ring is the substantial increase to Experience gain, and the goal for most players is to create a ring that's got decent stats as well, so they're not giving up too much DPS by using the Hellfire Ring instead of a Legendary or Rare ring. Followers can equip the Hellfire Ring as well, but just as with [[Magic Find]] and [[Gold Find]] on followers, they only share 20% of the bonus experience to the player. Thus a Hellfire Ring on a Follower is worth 7% more Experience to the player.==Diablo 3 Gallery==
==Gallery==Diablo 3 Infernal Machine screenshots.
File:Infernal machine plan.jpg|Crafting the Device.File:Infernal machine device.jpg|Device in backpackstash.File:Heretics abode.jpg|The [[Heretic's Abode]]File:Infernal machine portal.jpg|PortalPortalsFile:Hellfire ring plan.jpg|D3 Hellfire Ring OptionsFile:Hellfire ring strength.jpg|D3 Hellfire Ring (Strength)
===Diablo 3 Infernal Machine Videos===
These two videos show how to find the various Keywardens.
The [[Realm of Turmoil]]. Battle uber versions of [[Siegebreaker_Assault_Beast|Siege Breaker]] and [[Zoltun Kulle]] for a chance to obtain the [[Vengeful Eye]].
==The Infernal Machine Teased==