<!==Checkpoints== {{Template:Checkpoint}} Quest: [[The Legacy of Cain]] *Entrance to Cathedral -level 1*End of Cathedral -Level 1 at entrance to Leoric's Passage Quest: [[Reign of the Black King]] *Inside the entrance of the Cathedral, Level 2 from Leoric's Passage.*Inside the entrance of the Cathedral, Level 3.*Entranceway to Cathedral, Level 4, after accepting the help of the Templar after killing Jondar.*Inside the entrance of Cathedral, level 4. ==Lore EntriesWaypoint==-->{{Template:Waypoint}}
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[[File:Tristram_Cathedral1.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Menecing Cathedral]]The '''Cathedral{{PAGENAME}}''' is located within older than [[Tristram]] itself, with a long [[Act IHoradrim|Horadric]]heritage, and a terrifying history.
==Areas and Dungeons within Cathedral{{PAGENAME}}== * [[Leoric's Passage]]* [[Cathedral Level 1The Royal Crypts]]
==Access to Levels==
* [[Cathedral Garden]]
* [[Old Tristram Road]]
==Quests in {{PAGENAME}}==
* [[Legacy of Cain]]
* [[Reign of the Black King]]
==QuestsEvents in {{PAGENAME}}== *[[??]]
==Common Monsters found in {{PAGENAME}}==
* [[Carrion Bat]]
* [[Dark Cultist]]
* [[Fiend]]
* [[Grotesque]]
* [[Harvester]]
* [[Ravenous Dead]]
* [[Risen]]
* [[Skeletal Archer]]
* [[Skeletal Shieldbearer]]
* [[Skeleton]]
* [[Tomb Guardian]]
* [[Unburied]]
* [[Walking Corpse]]
==Special Monsters found in {{PAGENAME}}==
{{Template:Special Monsters}}
* [[Jondar]] - [[Human]] found on level 3. Part of the [[Reign of the Black King]] quest and is instrumental in obtaining the [[Templar]].
* [[Lloigor the Crazed]] - [[Human]] occasionally-encountered on the level 4.
==Notable NPCs==
* [[??]]
==Common MonstersLore Entries Found in {{PAGENAME}}==
* [[RisenLachdanan's Scroll]] - Part 1,2,3,4,5* [[Grotesque]]
Quotes said by classes or followers in this zone.
*[[Barbarian]]: ''"Tristram Cathedral. The fallen star lies within."''
*[[Demon Hunter]]: ''"The infamous Tristram Cathedral... I am close to the fallen star now."''
*[[Templar]]: ''"This is where it all began... and this is where it will end!"''
'''Level 1'''
*[[Barbarian]]: ''"This is where the star fell."''
*[[Demon Hunter]]: ''"So this is where the star fell. My quarry must be near."''
*[[Monk]]: ''"The star fell here."''
*[[Witch Doctor]]: ''"Here is where the fire fell from the sky. Strange magic comes from below."''
*[[Wizard]]: ''"This must be where the star fell. Its crater is tinged with some strange magic."''
*[[Barbarian]]: ''"Those mushrooms are immense."''
*[[Demon Hunter]]: ''"These mushrooms are quite enormous."''
*[[Monk]]: ''"Hmm. Those are large mushrooms."''
*[[Witch Doctor]]: ''"These mushrooms are very large."''
*[[Wizard]]: ''"Now, those are some big mushrooms."''
*[[Enchantress]]: ''"We must take care here. There are shadows at every turn."''
*[[Scoundrel]]: ''"This place looks like a maze. Please don't get us lost."''
*[[Templar]]: ''"Tristram Cathedral... I'm amazed it still stands."''
==Associated Achievements==
{{Template:Associated Achievement}}
{{achievement header}}<achievement type="single">Thorough Investigation</achievement>
Write about events that have taken place in this area in previous games, the impact it has on Diablo III. If any of the classes hail from this region make mention of that as well as any significant NPCs that may be connected to this zone.
{{Level Location navbox|Act 1|Dungeons}}
[[Category:Act I]]
[[Category:CathedralDungeons]][[Category:Old Tristram Road]]