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1,057 bytes added, 18:58, 9 January 2013
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Quest: [[The Legacy of Cain]]
{{Template:Waypoint}}on Level 3.
*[[Scoundrel]]: ''"This place looks like a maze. Please don't get us lost."''
*[[Templar]]: ''"Tristram Cathedral... I'm amazed it still stands."''
{{Template:Associated Achievement}}
{{achievement header}}<achievement type="single">Thorough Investigation</achievement>
Write about events that have taken place in this area in previous games, the impact it has on Diablo III. If any of the classes hail from this region make mention of that as well as any significant NPCs that may be connected to this zone.
The Cathedral has been featured in numerous pieces of artwork and screenshots.
| [[File:Tristram-cathedral-d1a.jpg|thumb|222px|The Cathedral as seen in [[Diablo I]].]]
| [[File:Tristram-cathedral-fb-mar2011.jpg|thumb|340px|Cathedral D3 concept art.]]
| [[File:Tristram-cathedral-cinematic1.jpg|thumb|330px|Cathedral in the [[cinematic]].]]
File:Tristram_Cathedral2.jpg|Cathedral interior
File:Tristram_Cathedral3.jpg|Cathedral exit
File:Tristram_Cathedral4.jpg|Cathedral interior
File:Tristram_Cathedral5.jpg|Cathedral interior
File:Tristram_Cathedral6.jpg|Cathedral interior
File:Meteor1.jpg|Falling star ([[meteor]])
File:Meteor2.jpg|...Tumbling down
File:Meteor3.jpg|Impact imminent
File:Tristram meteor impact.jpg|[[Meteor]] impact
File:Tristram_Cathedral11.jpg|[[Meteor]] "crater"
File:Tristram_Cathedral12.jpg|Tristram dungeon
File:Cannibal's Lair.jpg|Cannibal's Lair
File:Tristram_Cathedral13.jpg|Dungeon interior
File:Tristram_Cathedral14.jpg|Dungeon exit
File:Prealpha_cath1.jpg| Pre-alpha version of the Cathedral from 2012 GDC.
File:Prealpha_cath2.jpg| Pre-alpha version of the Cathedral from 2012 GDC.