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Juggernaut Skill Tree

421 bytes added, 12:59, 19 October 2008
* '''Active Skill'''
* '''Max Rank:''' 1
* '''Description: '''The Barbarian swings at multiple targets, dealing 130% of weapon damage at up to 2 targets.
* '''Fury cost:''' None
This slashing melee strike that can hit multiple targets at once, Cleave leaves a streak of bright red light behind. It is a fast hit but has a slight delay between uses, making it slightly slower than normal attack. Cleave can be delivered with one hand, seems to alternate forehand and backhand when used repeated with a single weapon, and can be used while dual wielding.
This skill was a handy way to hit multiple enemies in the Blizzcon build. It was free to use, with no Fury cost, though that seems likely to change in the final game. More points in this skill will likely increase the damage and perhaps the number of hittable targets as well.
==Ground Stomp==