no edit summary
* '''1337''' -- Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An overused term now usually .* '''5%''' - generally relats to +5% all resistances small charms.* '''7%''' - usually refers to a 7% magic find small charm.* '''0.8/0.9/1.10/1.11/1.12''' - Patches. Many changes have varied the way the game has been played. The SPF FAQ has a good explanation of version differences.* '''10 chars''' - All posts need 10 characters to be able to be posted. The poster is making up the numbers.* '''1H''' - one-handed weapon.* '''2H''' - two-handed weapon.* '''3/20/20''' - small charm that adds 3 to maximum damage, 20 to AR and 20 to life.
* '''3d/4d Shield''' - A socketed shield with 3/4 perfect diamonds in it giving you 57%/76% resistance to all.
* '''Atma's''' - Atma's Scarab Unique Amulet.
* '''AW''' - The Ancients' Way in Act 5.
* '''BS (BSpear)''' - Bone Spear. A Necromancer attack skill.
* '''BS (Bspirit)''' - Bone Spirit. A Necromancer attack skill.
* '''B-Star''' - Barnard's star (unique mace).
* '''Btc''' - Back to channel.
* '''BTS''' - Blizzard Technical Support.
* '''btw''' - By the way.* '''Burrito (Buriza)''' - Buriza-Do Kyanon Exceptional Unique Ballista.
* '''BvB''' - Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.
* '''BvC''' - Barbarian v Caster (pvp).* '''BW''' - Bone Wall. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree.
* '''CV''' - colossus voulge
* '''cya''' - See you.
* '''DPS''' - [[Damage Per Second]].
* '''DR''' (DR%) - Damage Reduced. Items with this mod reduce physical damage.
* '''Dropping (of items) ''' - The act of entering a game to present any player in that game with items as freely given gifts, to be distributed among the players in the game as they see fit.
* '''Dru''' - Druid.
* '''DS''' - Deadly Strike.
* '''DS''' - Death Sentry. A skill on the Assassin's Traps Tree.
* '''DT''' - Dragon Tail. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.
* '''dupe''' - an item which has been duplicated. This forum doesn't condone them so don't ask.
* '''Durry''' - Duriel
* '''Dvd''' - Damage versus Demons.
* '''Dvm''' - Defense versus missiles.
* '''Dvu''' - Damage versus Undead.
* '''dweb''' - deaths web unearthed wand.
* '''Eagle (Eaglehorn)''' - Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.
* '''eBotD''' - Ethereal breath of the dying.
* '''ED''' - Enhanced Defense. A mod that increases defense on an item.
* '''ED/IAS''' - Enhanced Damage/IAS. Typically refers to a rare combination of mods on a jewel.
* '''EIAS''' - Effective Increased Attack Speed.
* '''ENE''' (ENG. ERG) - Energy.
* '''ES''' (e-shield) - Energy Shield. Sorceress lightning tree defensive skill.
* '''ES''' - Extra Strong.
* '''ETF''' - [http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=22 European Trade Forum].
* '''Eth''' - Ethereal.
* '''exp''' - Experience.* '''Eye''' (EoE) - Eye of Etlitch Unique Amulet.* '''EZPK''' - easy player kill, killing another player usually by ambushing them.
* '''FWIS''' - For what it is worth.
* '''FYI''' - For your information.
* '''Geddon''' - Armageddon. A Druid Elemental Tree skill.
* '''GF''' - Grandfather (sword)
* '''gfi''' -- Go for it* '''gg''' -- good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean "good gear."
* '''Gheed's''' - Gheed's Fortune Unique Grand Charm
* '''Gj''' -- Good job.
* '''Gm''' - Golem Mastery.
* '''GMB''' - grand matron bow
* '''gosu''' -- godly or awesome. Very good.
* '''Grail''' - players attempting to get one of each set/unique in the game. Usually associated with single player because of ATMA.
* '''Grandfather (gf)''' - The Grandfather Elite Unique Colossus Blade. D Spirit of Barbs. Gris' _______ - Piece of Griswold's Legacy set. Made for the Paladin.
* '''grush''' -- glitched [[rush]], where an attempt to rush a low level character has gone awry.
* '''GS''' - Glacial Spike. Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
* '''GS''' -- [[Ground Stomp]], A Barbarian skill from the [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]].
* '''GSA''' - Goldstrike Arch Exceptional Unique Gothic Bow.
* '''gtg''' -- Good to go (or Got to go)
* '''Gull''' - Gull Unique Dagger.
* '''GW''' - Grim Ward. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.
Up to here. Merging data from http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Abbreviations_and_Acronyms to this page. Leave for now please. ta. --[[User:Elly|Elly]] 18:11, 4 February 2010 (UTC)