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3,825 bytes added, 18:06, 4 February 2010
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* '''1337''' -- Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An overused term now usually
* '''5% ''' - generally relats to +5% all resistances small charms* 7% ''' - usually refers to a 7% magic find small charm* 1337 - Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An over used terrm now usually used to make fun of someone.* '0.8/0.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 ''' - Patches. Many changes have varied the way the game has been played. The SPF FAQ has a good explanation of version differences* '''10 chars ''' - All posts need 10 characters to be able to be posted. The poster is making up the numbers* '''1H ''' - one-handed weapon* '''2H ''' - two-handed weapon* '''3/20/20 ''' - small charm that adds 3 to maximum damage, 20 to AR and 20 to life* '''3d/4d Shield ''' - A socketed shield with 3/4 perfect diamonds in it giving you 57%/76% resistance to all.
* '''A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ''' - Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5* AB (Abasin) - Amazon Basin. An online community of knowledgeable players spanning many games.* '''abc/ddd ''' - abc being the game name - ddd is the password* '''AC ''' - armour class* '''afaic ''' - As far as I'm concerned.* '''afaics ''' - As far as I can see.* '''afaik ''' - As far as I know* '''afk ''' - Away From keyboard* '''Ali Baba ''' - Blade of Ali Baba Exceptional Unique Tulwar that gives MF and GF based on character level.* '''alvl ''' - Affix Level or area level* '''Ama/Azn/zon ''' - Amazon.* '''Amp ''' - Amplify Damage. Necro curse to reduce enemies' resistance to physical damage. Also available as charges on some items* '''Amu (Ammy) ''' - Amulet* '''Ancients ''' - The Three Ancients in Act 5.* '''Andy ''' - Andariel. Act 1 super unique monster.* '''Anni ''' - Annihilus (the one and only unique small charm)* '''AoD ''' - [[Area of Denial]]. The usual effect of an AoE spell, since it causes players to move out of the affected area, in effect denying them that portion of the screen.* '''AoE ''' - [[Area of Effect]]. A spell that targets an large area, dealing damage (or benefits) to anything in the vicinity.* '''AoKL ''' - arm of king leroic tomb wand* '''AR ''' - Attack Rating.* '''Arach ''' - arachnid mesh belt. Unique belt that gives +1 skills* '''Arkaine's (Ark) ''' - Arkaine's Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.* '''Arreat's ''' - Arreat's Face Unique Slayer Guard.* '''AS ''' - Arreat Summit.'s/Blizzard's official website for D2.* '''ASAP ''' - As soon as possible. * '''Asn/asa/assy/sin ''' - Assassin.* '''Atlantean ''' - The Atlantean Exceptional Unique Ancient Sword.* '''ATM ''' - At the Moment.* '''ATMA ''' - Single player muling utility, that includes a very useful drop calculator* '''Atma's ''' - Atma's Scarab Unique Amulet.* '''AW ''' - The Ancients' Way in Act 5.
* [[Crit]] - [[Critical Hit]]. A blow that deals double damage + other effects, depending on damage type. May occur with all damage types in D3, while it was only from physical damage in D2.
* '''Crit''' - Critical Strike.
* '''CRM''' -Colour Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes any colour.* '''CS ''' - Crystal sword* '''CS ''' - Critical Strike.* '''CS ''' - Colossus Sword.* '''CS ''' - Cobra Strike* '''CS ''' - Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4* '''CtA ''' - call to arms (runeword)* '''CtC ''' - chance to cast* '''CTH ''' - Chance to Hit.* '''Cube ''' - The Horadric Cube* '''CU ''' - Cursed* '''CV ''' - colossus voulge* '''cya ''' - See you.
* '''D ''' - [[Diablo]]* '''D2 ''' - [[Diablo II]]* '''D2C ''' - Diablo 2 classic.* '''D2M''' - Damage to Mana* '''D2X ''' - [[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction|Lord of Destruction Diablo 2 expansion]].* '''D/A/E''' - Dodge/Avoid/Evade. Trio of Amazon defensive skills from the Passive and Magic skill tree.* '''Dam ''' - Damage* '''DC''' - Dragon Claw. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.* '''DC''' (D Clone) - Diablo Clone.* '''DD ''' - Don't die* '''Decrep''' - Decrepify. A Necromancer curse that slows and weakens.* '''Def ''' - Defense* '''Desynch ''' - refers to desynchronizing with the server. That way, you appear to be somewhere other than your actual location on the opponent's screen. It is usually done by some form of very rapid movement. Note that instant movement (such as teleport) won't do this, and will in fact resynch with the server.* '''DEX ''' - Dexterity.* '''DF''' - Dragon Flight. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.* '''DL ''' - deadline in a trade EG DL10 = 10 hours before close* '''dii ''' - [[]]. A D2 news, reference and forum site.* ''' ''' - [[]]. #1 Fan site of Longest running Diablo 2 and a source of vast informationfansite.* '''diii ''' - [[]]. A D3 reference and forum site.* ''' ''' - [[]]. #1 Fan site of Longest running Diablo 3 and a source of vast informationfansite.* '''ding ''' - Player announcing they've just leveled. (For the sound effect that's heard.)* '''ding ''' - Sound of a ring/amulet dropping. (Mostly used in Diablo I, where that sound was very distinctive and thrilling.)* '''DIS - Desperately in search of* '''DKK''' - Don't Kill King (cow king)* '''Dmg ''' - Damage* '''DOH''' - Durance of Hate* '''Doombringer (Doom)''' - Doombringer Elite Unique Champion Sword* '''DOT ''' - [[Damage Over Time]].* '''DPA ''' - Damage Per Attack.* '''DPS ''' - [[Damage Per Second]].* '''DR''' (DR%) - Damage Reduced. Items with this mod reduce physical damage.* '''Dropping (of items) - The act of entering a game to present any player in that game with items as freely given gifts, to be distributed among the players in the game as they see fit.* '''Dru''' - Druid.* '''DS''' - Deadly Strike.* '''DS''' - Death Sentry. A skill on the Assassin's Traps Tree.* '''DT''' - Dragon Tail. A skill on the Assassin's Martial Arts Tree.* '''dupe ''' - an item which has been duplicated.This forum doesn't condone them so don't ask* '''Durry''' - Duriel* '''Dvd''' - Damage versus Demons.* '''Dvm''' - Defense versus missiles.* '''Dvu''' - Damage versus Undead.* '''dweb''' - deaths web unearthed wand 
* '''Eagle (Eaglehorn)''' - Eaglehorn Elite Unique Crusader Bow.* '''eBotD''' - Ethereal breath of the dying* '''ED ''' - Enhanced Defense. A mod that increases defense on an item.* '''ED/IAS ''' - Enhanced Damage/IAS. Typically refers to a rare combination of mods on a jewel.* '''EF ''' - Extra Fast.* '''eg ''' - ''exempli gratia'' (Latin). Used to mean 'for example'.* '''EIAS''' - Effective Increased Attack Speed.* '''ENE ''' (ENG. ERG) - Energy.* '''ES ''' (e-shield) - Energy Shield. Sorceress lightning tree defensive skill* '''ES''' - Extra Strong.* '''ETF ''' - [ European Trade Forum].* '''Eth''' - Ethereal.* '''exp ''' - Experience* '''Eye''' (EoE) - Eye of Etlitch Unique Amulet* '''EZPK ''' - easy player kill, killing another player usually by ambushing them 
* '''FA''' - Freezing Arrow. An attack skill on the Amazon Bow and Crossbow skill tree.* '''FA''' - Frozen Armor. A Sorceress skill on the Cold Tree.* '''Face''' - Arreat's Face Unique Slayer Guard* '''Fana''' - Fanaticism. A Paladin offensive aura to increase attack speed and physical damage* '''FAQ ''' - Frequently Asked Questions.* '''FB ''' - Fireball. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.* fb '''FB''' - Fire Bolt. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.* '''FB''' - Fire Blast. Assassin Trap tree skill.* '''FBR ''' - Faster block rate.* '''FC''' - Fire Claws. A Druid shape shifting skill.* '''FCR ''' - Faster cast rate.* '''FD ''' (FDam, FDmg) - Fire damage.* '''FE ''' - Fire enchanted.* '''FG''' - Fire Golem.* '''FHR ''' - Faster Hit Recovery.* '''FI ''' - Fire Immune.* '''FI''' - Find Item. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.* '''Fishy(mancer)''' - Summoner necro. Nightfish wrote the guide.* '''Fists''' - Magefist Unique Light Gauntlets.* '''Flaming ''' - Making a personal attack or insulting remark, intended to incite anger.* '''Flavie''' - Single player reporting system that uses ATMA information and reports what sets/uniques/runes/gems the player has.* '''FM''' - Fire Mastery. Sorcerees Fire Tree skill.* '''FN''' - Frost Nova. Sorceress cold tree attack skill* '''FO''' - Frozen Orb. Sorceress cold tree attack skill.* '''FoF''' - Fists of Fire. An Assassin attack skill on the martial arts tree.* '''FoH''' - Fist of the Heavens. An attack skill on the Paladin Combat tree.* '''Forge''' - Hell forge quest in act IV. Hell can drop up to a Hel to Gul.* '''Fpa ''' - Frames per Attack.* '''FPS ''' - [[First Person Shooter]], a game genre like Doom or Quake.* '''FPS ''' - [[Frames Per Second]] (command needed /fps).* '''FR''' - Feral Rage. A Druid shape shifting skill.* '''FR (FRes) ''' - Fire Resistance.* '''Frosties (Frosts)'' - Frostburn Unique Gauntlets.* '''FRW ''' - Faster Run/Walk.* '''FT ''' - For trade or Fast Trade (BIN) depending on realm.* '''FTW ''' - for the win.* '''FW''' - Firewall. Sorceress fire tree attack skill* '''FWIS ''' - For what it is worth.* '''FYI ''' - For your information.
* '''GA''' - Guided Arrow
* '''Gaze''' - Vampiregaze Exceptional Unique Grim Helm
* '''GC''' - Grand Charm
* '''Geddon''' - Armageddon. A Druid Elemental Tree skill.
* '''GF''' - Grandfather (sword)
* '''gfi''' -- Go for it
* '''gg''' -- good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean "good gear."
* '''Gheed's''' - Gheed's Fortune Unique Grand Charm
* '''Gj''' -- Good job.
* '''Gl''' -- Good luck.
* '''Gm''' - Golem Mastery.* '''GMB''' - grand matron bow* '''gosu''' -- godly or awesome. Very good.* '''Grail''' - players attempting to get one of each set/unique in the game. Usually associated with single player because of ATMA.* '''Grandfather (gf)''' - The Grandfather Elite Unique Colossus Blade. D Spirit of Barbs. Gris' _______ - Piece of Griswold's Legacy set. Made for the Paladin.
* '''grush''' -- glitched [[rush]], where an attempt to rush a low level character has gone awry.
* '''GS''' - Glacial Spike. Sorceress cold tree attack skill.
* '''GS''' -- [[Ground Stomp]], A Barbarian skill from the [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]].
* '''GSA''' - Goldstrike Arch Exceptional Unique Gothic Bow.
* '''gtg''' -- Good to go (or Got to go)
* '''Gull''' - Gull Unique Dagger.
* '''GW''' - Grim Ward. A Barbarian War Cry Skill.