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1 byte removed, 19:17, 1 September 2009
Inventory Layout
==Inventory Layout==
The picture to the right show shows how the inventory window is laid out in Diablo III. While the details of this display have evolved during the game's development, the basic form seems set.
The [[paper doll]] is on top, with shoulders and pants added to the item slots we saw in Diablo II. The [[Talisman]] is seen below the paper doll on the right, while an empty space on the lower left must be reserved for some future feature.
Also, a new slot seems to appear in the bottom left corner of the paper doll. The item in that slot seems like a bag, therefore it can be assumed that's the current bag the character is holding, and depending on bag, he or she gets bigger inventory, much like World of WarCraft, but only the one bag.